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Observance of Reflections

Every year, indeed multiple times some years, the hives near Takol send out large swarms of winged termites to mate and proliferate. Drawn by the lights of the city, by some design or simply by chance the drones and potential queens swarm over Takol. With this backdrop the people of Takol uphold the Observance of Reflections, or simply "Reflections" to the layman. Supposedly the reflections in question is a reference to light hitting the scintallating wings of the termites. Sages and historians point out that this is a time for introspection and annual reflection on ones life. But for most others it is simply another reason to partake in carnal delights.   Reflections begin when the first swarms of winged termites are spotted forming up over the hives. Usually this proces takes about a day for reasons no one, bar the druids, might understand. Once a swarm reaches a certain point, whether in size or in time, it migrates. No one knows why the majority of swarms move right to Takol and settle there and, after generations with no answer forthcomming, no one really cares anymore. Each swarm usually stays in Takol for a day and a night before breaking up and/or moving on. In "heavy" years Takol is hit by up to 7 or 8 swarms in succesion, while "light" years only offer around three. An average year is about 5 swarms over a period of roughly 12-15 days, depending on how quick new swarms are formed over the hives.   The festivities start once the city is covered in a thick blanket of fingerlength insects. By law every household is responsible for detecting and removing the presence of termites on their property under pain of severe punishment. Thus began the tradition of getting (or letting) children run across town gathering up the drones in small sacks, nets or other containers. In most homes across Takol people will exchange treats, traditionally small stuffed flatbreads, for clumps of termite drones. In this way children get treats while the city is scoured of termites. At first during Reflections the stuffing for the flatbread is traditionally a thick sweetened cream. As the Reflections go on, this stuffing is replaced by one made up of ground up termites. While everyone can enjoy the flatbreads they are seen primarily as fit for children. Adults gather at feasting sites at night to roast and eat the drones whole and to celebrate the break in routine.   Different social classes have widely varying ways of taking part in Reflections, however. Families of higher standing tend not to let their children run around town, while many poorer families can't afford to hand out extra food. In the richest parts of Takol servants gather up the termites that land in the walled-off gardens while strips of coloured cloth is hung like bunting in the streets. Oddly enough this cloth seems to attract the termites that land on it in large clumps. Flatbreads are usually served at night with the evening meal. In the poorest parts of town gangs of children roam around trying to find termites or other groups of children who can be beaten and their stock taken. Instead of trading in termites to the households, vendors have taken over that position. In exchange for masses of termites these vendors hand out lumps of rock sugar. Interestingly the vendors' source for the rock sugar are the Order of Unduhl Tor who see the whole festival as a means for civic work and social control. Seasonal flatbreads are a rarity to the poorest residents of Takol.
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