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The Verdant Revival

The Verdant Revival emerged in Athas about a year ago. They are a pseudo-religious order that preaches the destruction of the Dragon and the return to a former time of plenty. They dedicate themselves to helping the poor and beleaguered masses within the The Seven Cities. They have become well known for distributing clothing, food, and water to the needy. They also hold public sermons that prophecy the death of the Dragon and the rebirth of Athas.   When the order first appeared in the seven cities they were also known to espouse the end of the reign of the Sorcerer Kings. As a result the Templar rounded up many members of the order and either executed them or sent them into slavery. The order was driven underground. In Raam is was completely wiped out. In Draj and Balic public executions were held of the highest ranking members. In Nibenay most members simply disappeared. It’s believed they were rounded up and taken to the (Forbidden City) probably to be tortured for information about their intentions. Gulg banished them to the crescent ridge. In Tyr, the Templar, not wanting to create a martyrs’ movement trumped up charges on about a dozen members and sent them to the ziggurat after cutting their tongues out but allowed the order to continue so long as their preaching stuck to fantasies about the Dragon and a new green age.   Acolytes of the Verdant Revival are monks (Use Way of the Four Elements). They deny the earthly realm and its vices and so take several vows.   1. They may own no property. Even they’re simple tunic of cool verdigris green and indigo are not considered to be owned by the wearer. It is common practice for acolytes to great each other by exchanging tunics upon encountering each other. This is done on the spot no matter the location of greeting. Nothing is worn beneath. Acolytes are always accompanied by at least one “Advocate” who sees to the worldly needs of the Acolyte.   2. The Acolyte must renounce all labels. This includes any titles, given/surnames, they may maintain gender identity individually but interact without labels using the term “Sib” when addressing each other. They also renounce racial terms as a construct invented by ancient powers to divide the people of Athas. (Sentience itself is the enemy of Athas. Intelligence gave birth to greed and hate)   3. Acolytes accept a new identity when they are reborn into the revival. These names represent their attunement with the natural world and are typically just mineral or vegetable in nature. Ex. Jade, Turquoise, Azur, Mica, Opal, Faro, Lavendar, Saffron, Mallow, Madder…   4. Acolytes spend every moment in service to the poor and oppressed. They suffer as those they aid. They’re diet is almost 100% Faro gruel and they never eat meat. They never consume fermented beverages. They do not game or gossip. And they sleep naked upon the hard ground and only use a heat source when to do otherwise would result in certain death.   5. They consider only the joy and happiness of others. An Acolyte must always wear a kindly smile and never exhibit anger. They may sing or tell stories that uplift only. Never a sad tale unless it is in service to bringing comfort or exposing injustice. Upon greeting someone, even strangers, they will always ask consent to embrace the other and say “you are loved”. When parting they will again ask consent to embrace and say, "You will always be loved." If consent is not given they will still give the greeting and farewell.   A powerful member of the High Council is the Patron of the Verdant Revival. Agis of Asticles advocates for them because of the good work they do in the city. It was his intervention that prevented the Templar from quietly wiping the order out. In turn the Verdant Revival have become influential patrons themselves.
Activist, Charity

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