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Tyr is one of The Seven Cities. Tyr lies in a small valley among the foothills of the Ringing Mountains. Although not the largest city of the Tablelands, it's considered one of the most important due to its political clout, location, and great (by Athasian standards) reserves of iron ore in the nearby mountains. A single caravan trading route connects Tyr to the network of roads that link the major cities of the Tablelands. This is not to imply that elven traders do not use otker routes of their own devising, but there is only a single navigable pass for the larger caravans.   Until recently, the city of Tyr had been ruled by the great sorcerer-king Kalak. Following the death of Kalak and the ensuing war with Urik, the people of Tyr have begun the reconstruction of their city amid a storm of change. The government has undergone sweeping reform. Trade and commerce, long neglected due to Kalak's obsession with the construction of his ziggurat, are on the rise as iron once more flows from the mine. The games have begun again as well, now the province of freemen, not slaves, where the only deaths are accidental. Even the more secretive societies of Tyr have emerged from the aftermath with renewed energies.   This is not to say that "all is well" in Tyr. The city still faces an uncertain future. Divergent voices sound within the Council's chambers. Food and water remain scarce, and many have no work or decent lodgings. Mobs of looters and thieves roam the city for, as the saying goes, "Freedom alone will not fill yer belly!" Further, many of Tyr's defenders perished in the war against Urik, leaving the city vulnerable to outside attacks. Whether these changes are signs of vitality or desperation depends on one's perspective.   As a role-playing campaign base, Tyr offers exciting opportunities for the player characters to become involved with the changing life of the city. The economy is quickly evolving from a slave-based system to one that revolves around free men and women earning their livings. Only time will tell whether the changes now underway will bear fruit or will be swept away by the sands of fate. One thing is sure, the unforgiving world of Athas demands change. Those who adapt, survive. Those who do not are consumed. To appreciate fully the difficulties Tyr now faces, it becomes necessary to review the city's past.   Districts   Tradesmen's Districts   Merchants' District   Nobles's Quarter   The Warrens   Bard's Quarter   Gladiatorial Gate   The Stadium   Arena Market   Beast Market   Slave Pens   Kalak's Ziggurat   The Golden City
Geopolitical, City-state
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