Auna Character in Athena | World Anvil
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I am the the Guiding Light and the Northern Star; the Voyager, the Navigator, and the Night Sky.

The constellations in the sky are each glorious reminders of the divine being of Auna, Goddess of Light. She is the the charter of courses unknown and the guiding light through the night.
Her light can be dimmed however, when she acts in her stead as Goddess of Tempest. For those who do not pay their respects, Auna sends dark clouds and bleak rains upon the sea and terrible draught upon the land.  

Divine Domains

Light, Tempest, the night sky

Divine Symbols & Sigils

a semi-sircular line representing the horizon, with 3 beam coming over the top, pointing up, upper-left and upper right.


Day of the Navigator 30th of Winter On this day, Auna's role as the navigator of all voyages is celebrated, and candles, beacons and other light sources are lit at dusk. Particularly important to sailors and their families, who believe that their safe return from a long voyage is prepared by the proper celebration of this holiday

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of the Night, Goddess of Tempest, Goddess of Light, the Navigator, the Voyager, Guiding Light, North Star
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization

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