Feldin Bluebottle Character in Athena | World Anvil
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Feldin Bluebottle

Feldin Bluebottle

One of the greatest minds of his time
— "A Biography of Bluebottle"
A gnomish Artificer, whose studies into the extraplanar serve as textbooks for the researcher of the modern day. Artifacts created by Feldin were sought after by innumerable parties, and almost every nation of his time commisioned him, in the hope that his work would pave their way for world domination. Feldin, however, believed the study of magic was its own reward, and not a tool for destruction. As such, him and his creations disappeared one day. Left behind were his insights.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feldin's personal history is mostly lost to time. What is known is that he was self-taught: no-one would mentor the young gnome, so he spent countless hours resesarching the Planes and Artificery. By the time his name is mentioned in ancient texts, it is already as a master.

Gender Identity

he/him, they/them

Accomplishments & Achievements

Amongst his accomplishments is his first text, A Study of Planes. Artifacts credited to him include a handheld cannon that predates the discovery of gunpowder by over 1000 years, goggles that allowed the user truesight, and his Key, which granted access to his workshop from any door on any plane.


Family Ties

No known heirs, though throughout time, some have claimed to be descended from him, or reincarnations of him.

Wealth & Financial state

While he was commision exorbitant amounts by various parties, reports indicate he lived a simple life, preferring anonymity and modesty.
Lawful good
1248 BM 1002 BM 246 years old
Circumstances of Death
Disappeared, presumed dead

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