Terrus Character in Athena | World Anvil
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Terrus (a.k.a. the Destroyer, the Traitor God)

The traitor god who betrayed the six and tried to take Athena for his own, as a plaything, and take the power of the six to become the one god. He was eventually defeated and sealed in an artifact, the Black Stone , and split to six pieces. He now seeks to break free of his binding and return to Lukina to wreak havoc and destruction, and serve revenge to the six. Is followed by a small cult, Terrus Nova, who wish to see him return and see him as a deity who will see them to heaven.

Divine Domains

Traitors, savagery, destruction War, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A red flame, crisscrossed 6 ways by cracks

Tenets of Faith

  • Terrus is the one true god
  • Athena belongs to Terrus
  • He will return, and those who aid in his revival shall be rewarded
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
born from nothingness
Circumstances of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
grey stone, with veins of lava running throughout
Immeasurably tall
Aligned Organization
Related Myths

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