The Howling Sea Geographic Location in Athír | World Anvil
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The Howling Sea

The Howling Sea is a formidable gulf located to the south of the Sea of Storms. This vast expanse of water stretches along the northern coast of The Kingdom of Amnor , nestled between the eastern shores of the The Kingdom of Arellä and the western coastline of the The Kingdom of Kholdôr . The name "Howling Sea" is well-deserved, as it is notorious for its treacherous and unpredictable nature, characterised by fierce winds and violent storms that relentlessly sweep down from the the tumultuous waters of the Sea of Storms to the north and the frozen Järldom of Roathia beyond that.   In addition to brave merchant vessels, the Howling Sea is also frequented by daring smugglers who exploit the chaos and confusion caused by the region's erratic weather. These smugglers navigate the tumultuous waters between the frequently warring nations of Kholdor and Amnor, engaging in illicit trade and clandestine activities under the cover of nature's fury. Occasionally, the keen eyes of Elvish ships from Arella can be glimpsed on the horizon, though their appearances are rare and enigmatic.   Despite its perilous reputation, the Kingdom of Amnor maintains a strong naval presence in the Howling Sea. They have established a vital naval port in the region, from which they conduct patrols to safeguard against pirates and potential invaders. The Amnorish navy's dedication to defending the gulf has helped deter some of the more audacious threats, though the sea itself remains untamed and unpredictable.   Legend has it that a terrifying sea serpent roams the depths of the Howling Sea, emerging from its watery lair to wreak havoc on unsuspecting sailors. This monstrous creature, is known locally by the name "Drakonáin," and stories of its menacing presence only add to the mystique and danger that shrouds this perilous gulf.   The Howling Sea, with its tumultuous waters, stormy skies, and enigmatic inhabitants, remains a place of both awe and dread, where the perils of nature and the adventures of daring souls entwine in a captivating tale of the sea.


The Howling Sea lies south of the tumultuous Sea of Storms, connecting and yet serving as a natural barrier between the three kingdoms it borders. Its waters are deep and dark, mirroring the often-gray skies above, disturbed by the relentless winds and storms born out of the chill breath of Roathia and the volatile Sea of Storms. The granite cliffs of northern Amnor watch over the gulf, their faces worn by the ceaseless onslaught of waves. Amidst this rugged coastline, resilient fishing villages thrive, their cultures interwoven with the lore of the sea. The Amnorish Navy maintains a formidable presence in The Howling Sea, with a strategic port that serves as both a bulwark against piracy and a launching point for patrols. This military vigilance safeguards the vital arteries of trade that sustain the surrounding nations. The coastline of northern Amnor is a mosaic of hardy fishing communities. These villages, built with the granite that gives the coast its gray, unyielding face, are rich in maritime tradition. The locals are known for their stoic nature and encyclopedic knowledge of the sea, which they pass down through generations, as much a part of their heritage as the very boats they sail.


The sea is infamous for its sudden and violent storms, particularly during the winter months when the swells grow monstrous, and the winds shriek like wailing spirits. Many ships, from stately merchant galleons to nimble smuggling cutters, have met their end in its churning waters. Despite the danger, the promise of wealth and the necessity of commerce compel captains to brave its unpredictable moods. The Howling Sea has earned its ominous reputation due to the relentless barrage of harsh weather conditions that plague the region. Countless ships have met their demise amidst the unforgiving waves and tempestuous seas, leading to a grim collection of shipwrecks scattered beneath its depths. Particularly during the winter months, this perilous gulf is home to some of the most fearsome swells and storms known to mariners. Those who dare traverse these treacherous waters do so with caution, often braving the perils in pursuit of distant ports in the northern realm of Roathia.

Fauna & Flora

The Howling Sea is home to a rich variety of sea birds and marine life.     Storm Gulls: These hardy gulls are often seen riding the fierce winds that whip across the Howling Sea. With their mottled gray and white plumage, they have become masters of navigating the turbulent skies and finding food amidst the crashing waves.   Ravenous Skimmers: These agile birds are known for their remarkable hunting skills. With long wings and sharp beaks, they can dive into the water to snatch fish from below the surface. Their dark, sleek feathers allow them to blend in with the stormy seascape, making them formidable hunters.   Silverfin Cod: A prized catch among fishermen, these sleek and silvery fish are known for their delicate flavor. They are swift swimmers and often found in large schools, making them a valuable source of sustenance for both coastal communities and predatory sea creatures.   Selkara: Among the unique inhabitants of the Howling Sea is the enigmatic Selkara, a seal-like creature that has captivated the imagination of both seafarers and coastal residents. With sleek, streamlined bodies and large, expressive eyes, Selkara are often mistaken for ordinary seals at first glance. Selkara are known for their enchanting songs, which echo through the coastal caves and cliffs that dot the shoreline. These melodies are believed to hold mystical powers, and some sailors claim they can guide lost ships to safety or calm the turbulent waters during a storm. The Selkara are elusive, seldom seen by humans, and are the subject of numerous legends and tales among the coastal communities. Local folklore tells of a deep connection between the Selkara and the sea itself, suggesting that these creatures are guardians of the Howling Sea, watching over its secrets and the souls of those who venture into its unpredictable depths. While their existence remains shrouded in mystery, the Selkara continue to be a source of wonder and reverence among those who call the Howling Sea their home.


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