Invidia, the Sin of Envy and Resentment

Invidia embodies the toxic emotions of jealousy, envy, and the insatiable desire to possess what others have. This sin stands as a stark opposition to Erube and Fawna, the Demigods of Good, Compassion, and Love. Invidia's purpose is to sow seeds of discord and undermine the message of unity and contentment that Erube and Fawna promote. Invidia preys upon the hearts of individuals, stoking the fires of resentment and fostering a sense of inadequacy. Those consumed by this sin become fixated on what others possess, their achievements, and the love they receive. Envy twists their perceptions, eroding their own sense of self-worth and breeding a toxic desire to possess what rightfully belongs to others.   The sin of Invidia manifests herself in various ways. Some succumb to a constant comparison to others, perpetually feeling lacking in the presence of those they envy. They harbor resentment towards those who seem to have it all, their jealousy festering like a poisonous seed. Others may engage in malicious gossip, spreading rumors and seeking to tarnish the happiness and success of others.   The rivalry between Invidia and Erube and Fawna represents a battle between unity and division, contentment and resentment. Erube and Fawna espouse the virtues of love, compassion, and selflessness, encouraging individuals to find joy and fulfillment in the happiness and success of others. Invidia, however, seeks to dismantle this message by fueling envy and sowing discord among their followers. Being as envious as she is, she doesn't stop with Erube and Fawna. She also despises the work of selflessness and gratitude that Verentia teaches. Heroing such resentment as to fully copy her guild and palace in order to show that her ways are not only on par with Verentia, but overdo them.