Reselin (rezz-ah-lihn)

Reselin, a small green crystal with a malevolent allure, holds within it a dark and destructive power. This drug, when ground into a fine powder or transformed into a liquid, becomes a gateway to both ecstasy and torment. At first encounter, Reselin offers a tantalizing escape from reality. Those who inject or ingest this sinister substance are immediately greeted with a surge of euphoria, a euphoria that seems to elevate them to unprecedented heights. A false sense of greatness washes over them, blinding them to the impending doom that awaits.   But as the initial rush of pleasure subsides, the true nature of Reselin reveals itself with a vengeance. Like a malefic serpent coiled within, the drug unleashes a merciless assault on the body. A sharp, searing pain courses through the upper body, seizing the unsuspecting user in its cruel grip. It is as if the very essence of their being is being consumed by an internal inferno.   The effects of Reselin manifest physically, with veins turning from their natural color to a repulsive shade of black. These sinister tendrils stretch from the collarbone, creeping upwards to encompass the vulnerable neck. The veins, like macabre tributaries, serve as a haunting reminder of the destructive power lurking within the drug.   Reselin's addictive nature exacerbates the tragedy, as those who succumb to its allure find themselves caught in an inescapable cycle of craving and suffering. The initial promise of euphoria is replaced by a relentless pursuit of fleeting relief, a desperate attempt to escape the anguish that accompanies each high. With every hit, the body further deteriorates, chained to an addiction that grows more insidious with each passing day.