Cultivation of Civilization.

Era beginning/end


The 8 Gods finish their cultivation of this mortal realm. They pass themselves on to their 7 children, the Demigods.

As the gods meticulously fashioned the world of Athis, their divine hands sculpted its every contour and shaped its very essence. The gods labored together, each contributing their unique touch to this nascent realm. With masterful strokes, they painted landscapes of breathtaking beauty, forged rivers that flowed with life-giving waters, and scattered stars across the heavens, illuminating the night with celestial splendor.
As their creation neared completion, the gods infused Athis with the breath of life. They breathed their divine essence into the beings that would inhabit this world, crafting them in their own image. Mortals emerged, diverse and vibrant, each gifted with a spark of the divine within their souls.
But the gods, their work finished, knew that their presence could not linger in Athis indefinitely. With heavy hearts and a mix of anticipation and trepidation, they called upon their offspring, the demigods, born of the union between gods and mortals. These demigods inherited both the divine essence and mortal blood, making them the perfect custodians for the world their parents had created.
With great reverence, the gods revealed their intentions to the demigods, entrusting them with the care and stewardship of Athis. They imparted upon their children the vast knowledge they had acquired, teaching them the sacred arts, the intricacies of magic, and the responsibilities that came with their divine heritage.
As the gods prepared to depart, a solemn silence descended upon Athis. The demigods gathered, their hearts heavy with the weight of their newfound responsibility. They knew that the gods' withdrawal signaled the beginning of a new era, one where the destiny of Athis would rest in their capable hands.
The gods bestowed gifts upon their children, artifacts of immense power forged by their own divine might. Each demigod received a relic tailored to their individual strengths and affinity, granting them a connection to their divine parent and the ability to channel their godly essence.
With a final embrace, the gods bid farewell to their offspring and vanished from Athis, their forms merging seamlessly with the fabric of the cosmos. The demigods were left to face the vast expanse of Athis, now entrusted to their care. The world pulsed with the remnants of divine energy, a reminder of the gods' presence and a testament to the demigods' divine lineage.
In the wake of their departure, the demigods took up their roles as stewards of Athis. They walked among mortals, guiding them with wisdom and nurturing their connection to the gods. Temples and sanctuaries dedicated to each divine parent were erected, becoming beacons of worship and spiritual solace.
United by their shared purpose, the demigods formed a council, a collective of divine bloodlines committed to maintaining the balance and harmony of Athis. Together, they forged alliances, established laws, and protected their world from threats both mortal and otherworldly.
In the wake of the gods' retreat, the demigods embraced their newfound responsibilities. Athis thrived under their watchful gaze, a testament to the gods' craftsmanship and the demigods' dedication. Mortals continued to seek the favor of their divine progenitors, seeking guidance and blessings, while the demigods, ever vigilant, safeguarded the delicate tapestry of their world.
Thus, Athis stood as a testament to the gods' love and devotion, and to the indomitable spirit of the demigods who inherited their legacy. The tale of Athis unfolded, interwoven with the destinies of mortals and the divine guardians who walked among them, shaping the course of history and forging a realm of wonder and awe.

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