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Anaphaxeta is the Paragon of Justice and Protection. Her followers often give her a string of titles - Protector of the Innocent, Ravager of Evil, Slayer of Demons, called Devilsbane.  

Organization - The Guardians of Athos

The Guardians of Athos (often just called “The Guardians”) are a fierce force for justice, protecting the weak and keeping the powerful from abusing their power. Most governments have a strong dislike of the Guardians, because they tend to operate outside the government’s written and unwritten laws. However, they know that the Guardians are revered by the common folk, and so they generally dare not risk moving against them openly. The holiest of Anaphaxeta’s followers are not high level clerics, but instead high level paladins. While there are clerics who follow Anaphaxeta, being a paladin is a prerequisite for being high in the power structure of The Guardians of Athos.  


Devout followers of Anaphaxeta must never fail to defend the weak or innocent from those with power. You must never strike an unarmed foe, nor tell a lie unless you deem it required to save the life of an innocent. You may add double your proficiency bonus to insight checks, even if you're already proficient. Proficiency bonus times per day, you may speak with the Voice of Authority granted to you by Anaphaxeta for 10 minutes. While using The Voice of Authority, when you speak the truth, it is known to be the truth by the listener (if an insight roll is required, listeners get advantage on their roll and are considered proficient). Also, you can project your voice can be heard up to 200’ away even in large crowds or high winds. You gain advantage on all persuasion checks during this time. You have advantage on saves against charm and fear effects. If you are already immune to one of these effects, allies within proficiency bonus times 5 feet of you gain advantage on their saves against those effects.

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