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Barry Broomholder

King Broomholder, Lord of the Mer-People, Regent to the Leviathans, Viking Tyrant Bartholomew Broomholder

Young Barry Broomholder, a mop boy working for the vikings of Goliath-town, usurps control from the elders to become a tyrant king.   Barry woos a young female leviathan. A Goliath/Leviathan cross species dubbed the come of this union. Basically ALL Mergaliths come of this union. They have a gross amount of babies.   Barry raises an army of Mergaliths, then joins the Clearwater Guild , begins trading with the Sharkpeople and founds the underwater kingdom of @Mergalith City. It is a golden age for the Goliaths.   Barry decides to celebrate his (extended period TBD) of iron rule, by erecting a tower dedicated to learning the druidic arts of (insert new druidic style here) and (also something already in book).   Sometime later @AgileBluequil unleashes a reptilian plague on the Goliath population, transforming a 3rd of the people into a new race called the @Reptiliaths. Barry leaves town in shameful exile. He invents a crown that lets him breathe underwater, and he goes to rule from Mergalith city.   Once there, he builds a monumental castle by destroying five distinct mergalith neighborhoods. Inside his castle he establishes an undersea orchard, Eating the fruit from the orchard lets you breath underwater for a day. If you eat there and meditate for one year, you can breath underwater forever. Despite having had the ability at any time in his near endless life (I don't know how long he actually lived any more, but while we were playing I thought it was like 1000+ years.) he never actually found the time to meditate in that garden himself. And he was very protective about who could get into it.   It's a good thing he had that crown made.   There is a toxic waste spill due to chaos magic. Or it's possibly coming from theDwarves of the West. Many people assume it has to do with King Broomholder's eye sore of a castle. In any case it is gross, and Barry notices that the people of megalith city are changing. mutating. Just a little bit? about 1/3 of mergalith city mutates, grow legs and adapts to be able to breathe both air and water. Amphibious Mergaliths are born.   Barry sends his army out to help the @Clearwater Guild squash the @Tabaxi Pirates.   Barry and his Leviathan Queen spawned one thousand Megalith guppies. After a few years the seas were lousy with their offspring. @Toxie the Toxic Avenger is one of these great-great-grea-great-great-great-great grandchildren who grows up to be a legendary figure himself. He forms an elite squad of assassins and saboteurs to save the ecosystem. Know as The Toxic Avengers.   In their travels The Toxic Avengers form an alliance with the dragons, against their common enemy the dwarves. This puts them at odds with the Leviathans and the Goliaths.   This breaks Barry's heart, so he fortifies Mergalith City by putting an air bubble around it and draining all the water. It is now inhospitable to citizens of megalith city who did not become amphibious during the great mutation. This includes his Leviathan Queen. Oops.   Now in mourning, Barry Broomholder is sick of this ocean stuff and causes Mergalith City to rise into the air. Still in its bubble, chaos magic causes it to fill with water as it rises. It now floats above the ocean, full of water. Luckily Barry has his crown and his remaining citizens can breath both air and water.   Sometime after that, Toxie teleports into Mergalith City to assassinate Barry Broomholder. He teleports behind Barry , removes his water-breathing crown, and teleports to the other side of the room. Barry drowns on his throne.   A third piece of the Good Moon breaks off, crashing into Mergalith City moments after Barry's death. Mergalith city falls out of the sky and lands on the Goliath Tower, knocking it over. Mergalith City lands in the water upside down, with the now broken Tower on top of it, driving it further down into the sea.   Barry's crown, sections of the Tower, and the Orchard all survive, but they're deep under water. The remaining population of Mergalith City dies, and Goliaths and Reptiliaths are almost completely annihilated.
Circumstances of Death
He was assassinated by his great-great-great-grat-great-great grandson Toxie, who removed his water breathing crown and then teleported it away from him while he drowned, sitting on his thrown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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