Cipher of the Antikathonim

While the K'Thonum have thought to be long gone on from this world, this is not at all true. Instead a secret society known to themselves (and no one else if they are successful) as the The Antikathonum strive to keep them from attaining power in the Western Kingdoms, this includes suppressing information about their continued existence. In order to maintain communications as well as secrecy, they need to pass messages that are completely unusable without some kind of decryption. To that end the Antikathonum have maintained a cypher that is both ancient language as well as encrypted. The encryption is quite complex and uses 3 numbers to create a single cypher number used to resolve the letters. Each agent is trained to speak the ancient language of Tartessian, a language that has been dead since the capital of Tartessos was destroyed in 1962 Ante Deorum when the alliance of ancient peoples attacked the K'Thonum trying to push them out of our dimension. Tartessian looks similar enough to ancient Celtic that this tends to throw off the few people that have captured the code. Between the numeric cypher and the use of an language that has been dead for almost two thousand years, no message has ever been translated. While occasionally someone stumbles across a message, there is little even a captured or rogue agent can do beyond translate messages meant only for them.

How it works

  Three numbers are required to generate and decode the message.
  • Each Agent is issued a special number (designated A)
  • Each message is issued a number based on the approximate date it is expected to be received (designated B)
  • Each message is addressed to a zone number (Designated C)
After determining the appropriate numbers, an agent then assembles the numbers using a memorized numeric sequence 31415926 such that the numbers ABC are counted repeatedly until each number is reached, until such time as the agent runs out of numbers. This final assembly of numbers is applied to the cypher and then finally translated into the Tartessian language.


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