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Element 120, Potanium (or Pn on the table) is a highly dense and radioactive material used in by one of ATLAS' Havens called Magni with almost the entirety of it dedicated to the creation of this new element in collosal partical accelerators and directly fed into a super reactor that provides power to the majority of all the Havens. Due to its rarity and difficulty to manufacture, this resource is only avaliable to ATLAS and obviously holds great risks in its use as the delicate and near ancient machinery of the Haven is seemingly on the brink of collapse.


Material Characteristics

A blend of grey and black, it is affectionatly nicknamed "dark stripes" due to its apperance and has a slight but noticable shine to it.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The metal is rather dense and incredibly heavy, emitting lethal dosses of radiation from it. Often times it takes only a matter of a month before the element reaches its half life.

Origin & Source

Despite being a man made material, Potanium originally started out as uranium but in order to make a more viable element for the reactor, it was placed in a partical accelerator and put past safe limits as the machine risked falling apart until for just less than a minute, element 120 was created before decaying.

Life & Expiration

In just a month, Potanium reaches its half life but due to the amount of radiation and energy it emits, it has proven to be worth the short lifespan.

History & Usage


Discovered all the way back in 2049, Potanium was created during the golden age of science and the people of Magni were exploring new elements, often attempting to create their own with partical accelerators and eventually, although only for a minute, created Potanium.

Everyday use

The only use of Potanium is to be used in Magni's mega reactor in order to produce power for the majority of ATLAS.


When created, Potanium is immediatly placed into an Elemental Electron Stabliser (EES) and held their until its use in order to prevent its half life from starting. Once it leaves the EES however, it is sent in unrefined but is still in a EES inside of the reactor. This stabliser however is significantly weaker and instead is designed to slow down half life instead of prevent.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Once the material is no longer used, the byproduct is a dense yet now stable heavy metal still emitting radiation. This heavy metal however in rare occasions is repurposed into equipment such as SABOTS for armoured vechiles or an experimental heavy armour.



Due to its short life span, Potanium is not stored but more created on demand as a day before the fuel rods are expected to be expended, Uranium is placed in the partical accelerator and refined into Potanium to be used the very next day.


Elemental / Molecular
Impossible to acquire
Best described as somewhat meaty in taste but ill advised to try as it will damage taste buds.
Dark grey and rather shiny
Boiling / Condensation Point
2,021 degrees Celsius boiling point
Melting / Freezing Point
1,462 degrees Celsius melting point
Common State

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