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Cyrus Drachedandion

Sir Cyrus Drachedandion (a.k.a. Flagboy; Voltaic Hero in Blue (self-proclaimed))

Cyrus was born into the Drachedandion clan of the dragonborn city, San. From the very first day his claws could hold a stick, Cyrus took an obsessive interest in fighting. He trained under his father, Gladion, a low-ranked yet passionate soldier in San's militia. Although a mere grunt, Gladion taught Cyrus all he knew about fighting, weaponry, and defending the weak. Unshakable will, raw power, brazen overconfidence... these qualities were the focus of Gladion's training.   Cyrus and his father bonded over the bloodshed of their daily training sessions. To them, fighting was nothing but a game; a dick-measuring contest between two massive egos. Clothes drenched in sweat, the swift acrobatics, the swinging of cold steel, and more were what, ironically, brought the two peace of mind. Lengthy scars and blunt-force trauma made for nothing but fond memories. And while Gladion's experience gave him the upper hand early-on, Cyrus' competitive nature drove him to train on his own and wipe the smirk off of his father's face. While Cyrus eventually gained the edge over Gladion - especially after his retirement from the San military - the spark of their constant sparring matches never faded out.   In his teenage years, Cyrus joined the militia with aspirations of one day becoming a respected and fierce hero who'd protect his city from evil. He wanted statues erected in his honor, for mothers to ask to kiss their babies, and to rub it all in his father's face. His desire to be a symbol for good, however, always outweighed any of the material gains that came with fame (though he may not admit that).   After months of rigorous military training, Cyrus was bestowed the title of San's Standard Bearer; responsible for leading the front lines waving the militia's sacred flag. At first, Cyrus couldn't have been happier to carry out this duty. It seemed he would be leagues more important than his cannon-fodder grunt of a father (a taunt he often used to poke fun at Gladion during training).   Yet, as Cyrus soon found out, carrying the flag was simply just that: carrying the flag. No fighting, no bloodshed, no fun; just a few waves, battle cries, and watching as the rest of the men took care of business. And while higher-ups swore that it was a crucial responsibility - essential for upholding sanctity of the militia and intimidating the enemy - Cyrus saw it as demeaning, holding him back from expressing his combative and heroic spirit on the battlefield. Blood would splatter, but none of it by his blade; an excruciatingly boring position to hold. Even so, Cyrus placed his personal desires aside, sucked up his pride, and stood and watched his fellow comrades storm into action, battle after battle after battle... for seven years.   During a mission to destroy a goblin stronghold, Cyrus once again stood lifeless in the middle of combat waving his flag, yawning and staring off into space. That is, until he heard the pained cry of a nearby soldier. Cyrus snapped his attention towards the sound. He looked on as a goblin dragged the soldier away by his legs - both arms crudely chopped off. This wasn't an abnormal sight; with war comes sacrifice, with sacrifice comes lost limbs, and with lost limbs comes death; Cyrus had grown numb to this philosophy over nearly a decade. However, as Cyrus watched, the soldier's desperate and tormented eyes locked his own. His will to protect suddenly came back and struck him in the heart, prompting his feet to move. He dropped the flag into the mud, picked up the soldier's fallen sword, and slayed the goblin captor. Cyrus then flung the soldier onto his back and escorted him towards the medics on the outskirts of battle. He had only left his post for about five minutes before returning to wave the muddied flag in the air with an invigorated sense of triumph.   Soon after the battle's conclusion, Cyrus was called to meet with the military's council. They had heard of his actions and wished to speak face-to-face. Cyrus was ecstatic; he felt that his noble actions had earned him the high ranking he had always dreamed of. What he got, however, was not a promotion, but a firm reprimanding. The role of standard bearer is one of great steadfastness and honor, and the council chastised Cyrus for abandoning both of these ideals when he abandoned his post. Wartime traditions are sacred and must always come first, they said, even if it means leaving others to die.   While he was dismissed with nothing more than a firm slap on the wrist, Cyrus was outraged. He exited the meeting flailing his arms around and spouting words that I shan't repeat here. He was completely stuck; continuing his duty as standard bearer would bring nothing but a life of misery and tedium. Sanctity, tradition, formalities... Cyrus couldn't stand any of it.   Too proud to admit his shortcomings and fed up with the militia's strict nature, Cyrus left his home city of San one night for the capitol of Amaterasu to finally live out his life by his own rules and do some hero-ing. He spoke of this to no one; not his comrades, not his friends, and especially not his father, whom Cyrus felt he had failed. Though carrying the burden of shame on his back, Cyrus seeks to start a new, clean slate and, more importantly, bust as many heads as he possibly can.   ...Alright, fine, maybe he told one person. The night that he decided to skip town, Cyrus struck up a conversation - in drunken fervor- with a green dragonborn at a local tavern. For some reason (alcohol), he confided everything in her: all of his frustrations, his desires, and his plans to escape. As it turns out, she shared Cyrus' frustrations and likewise wanted to get out of San. The details were fuzzy (alcohol), but Cyrus at least remembers who he was talking to: Vera Daardendrian, daughter of the Daardendrian Chief. Although risky, Cyrus agreed to escort her through Amaterasu as her bodyguard after he first scouted the area for danger. After that, they would roam Atlas freely together.

Mental characteristics


all over the place


High school level; slightly below-average student


Standard Bearer in the Drachedandion army (formerly Member of the Dragon's Bane guild (unpaid)

Failures & Embarrassments

Too many to list

Mental Trauma

Fears returning to his birth city of San for reasons that he keeps to himself

Intellectual Characteristics

An absolute fighting savant; thinks of every solution in terms of combat and bloodshed

Morality & Philosophy

1) Protecting those that need help, even if it means breaking the rules or putting his life on the line. This often leads to a lot of reckless and potential lofe-threatening decisions. 2) Live his life by his own design, not held back by the rules or demands of others. This makes him extremely stubborn and unwilling to follow others' orders.

Personality Characteristics


1) To finally find some semblance of self-fulfillment. As for what that may finally deliver that, who knows. For now, he follows wherever the wind takes him and jumps on whatever sounds most exciting. 2) After being held back for so long in his military years, Cyrus longs to prove himself as a great hero; someone more than just a faceless soldier.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: his family, action, storytelling, Cade, Speonk, Apollo, Naivara, Bertrand, glowing mushrooms, praise, small/cute animals, capes, backflips, uninterrupted showers, corny one-liners, posing Dislikes: nuts, flags, well-thought-out plans, Locus, Guts, following orders, whining, cowardice, sandworms, Itachi, Lilith, math

Vices & Personality flaws

Too prideful and stubborn for his own good; his solution is the only solution. Extremely lax, which oftentimes blinds him to the severity of certain situations. Struggles to make intimate connections with others. Will often rush into battle without a clear strategy. Major nut allergy.


Likes to keep relatively clean, but isn't afraid to get dirty if the situation calls for it


Family Ties

Deep relationship with his father, Gladion. Gladion trained him - in both personality and combat - to be the man he is today. Silvally, his mother. Loving and kind, but just kind of there.

Religious Views



Extremely casual and laidback; substitutes formalities for jokes. Easily flustered. Often stumbles over his own words.

Hobbies & Pets

theme song; always playing in his head

Cyrus is a fighter born into the Drachedandion clan of San. Fairly skilled in fighting and weaponry, but is a bit too overconfident. Often bites off more than he can chew in attempts to prove himself as a hero.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sir (formerly)
Current Residence
Amaterasu (traveling)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft. 6 in.
240 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Drachonic and Common

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Everything Sucks

I get it, okay? I really do.

Untitled Letter

(A letter written and sent by Cyrus during his first night in Amaterasu)   V,   As much as I hate to say I told you so, I told you so. Not even five minutes into Amaterasu and my caravan is torn to flaming shreds by some crazy elf lady. I'm miraculously fine, but some were killed; even more were hurt. I may have had a hand in heroically saving the day, but that's besides the point.   The capital is dangerous. Too dangerous for you to have initially come with me. Too dangerous for you to come now. Like I told you I'd do before, I'll scout the area and continue to write to you until I know for a fact things have died down. Don't know how long that will be; apparently elf lady is a big deal. But don't worry your head over me. You have my word that I'll get you out of San as soon as I possibly can. Dangerous as it is, Amaterasu is a beautiful city with so many great people. I can't wait for you to meet the people that I've already come to know. Well, *most* of them at least...   Until then, take care. Stay safe. And again: I told you so.  
  • Cyrus
  • Entering Amaterasu

    No more than 20 minutes here and so far the following shit has happened:  
  • Had a great conversation with one of the guards at the West gate. Fantastic guy. Don't remember his name, though.
  • Had an awkward conversation with the big-sword fella who rode in with me on Cade's caravan. Don't remember his name, either. Really berserk guy, though.
  • Had that very same caravan blown to pieces by some psycho dark elf lady. She also vaporized a few city guards. I almost peed myself.
  • Had to fight off a couple of scary-ass beasts with a few bystanders as the lady scurried away.
  • Now I'm covered in blood and guts, I've got a terrible ringing in my ears, and may or not be in deep crap with the city's captain.
  • I think I'm gonna like it here.


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