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Get the Vibe

Here is something like a read me first, to get an overview about the world, how you can use it and what to expect. All focusing on the player's perspective. The articles may contain (first-time) spoilers. They are intended for DM's to give them context for a better understanding (the big picture). If you like to uncover them as you read, you can or you don't read them and wait until you get confronted with them the first time during the play.   Also, a good place for a first look is the World Meta.  

The Setting

Atlas Lost stands for a multiverse that consists of many worlds, each of which has its own special properties. This world was created by godlike beings in order to settle their quarrels in it. The beings were the Malzar and Kambuya siblings. By the standards of these beings, they were considered children.   Malzar hated her sister for the fact that she got everything she wanted with her kind. She gathered people around her who would make her every wish come true. It was time to show her that she wasn't as irresistible as she thought she was. Malzar would put an end to all this secrecy and manipulation from her sister.   Kambuya hated her sister for her strength, confidence, and the attention she received as a gifted fighter. She would show everyone how weak Malzar actually is. Weapon-wielding warriors are not the only way to win a conflict, and she would show everyone how.

Malzar and Kambuya

Malzar and Kambuya argued again about something nothing, but their parents had enough of the eternal quarrels and forbade them any conflict. After all, they are siblings and should learn to live together harmoniously. To make sure that the two of them adhered to it, the older siblings Constantin and Lucian had to watch over it.   Deprived of the possibility to claw each other eyes out directly, they first began to instigate others to do the dirty work for them and when that was no longer possible, they first created beings and, in the course of time, entire worlds to fuel their conflict. What loves each other teases each other.   These beings that they created we know today as the Ancient.   Malzar created an army of individual champions and sent them out to fight Kambuya's followers wherever they found them. Unfortunately, she neglected all the needed structures and supporters that her champions should help to be successful. Malzars called their army the "Sister & Brotherhood of Just Punishment"   Kambuya knew that Malzar would simply create powerful fighting machines and what would be more appropriate if their attacks simply ended up in vain. No matter how many battles Malzar won, she couldn't win the war. Kambuya overwhelmed her champions again and again by turning their weaknesses against them and removing them slowly but with deadly precision. Kambuya called their army the "Invincible Collective".  

The Eternal war

For thousands of years, the brotherhood and the collective fought on behalf of their gods. These always created new places, altered the rules of physics by adding things like magic, and rushed the armies against each other.   At some point, Malzar and Kambuya lost their interest in the multiverse that they had created. The periods in which they left it to themselves and unattended became longer and longer. Regardless of this, the war continued. Their followers were so devoted to the cause that no gods were needed to carry on the mission. They developed further and became powerful themselves. They become self, god-like creators.  

The War of Gods

The war went on without the siblings and at some point, they were only a vague memory. The Ancient came to believe that they were gods themselves and that they are not accountable to anyone.    

The Ancient

The Ancient is not actually a race of their own. They are made up of different groups of beings, each created for a specific purpose.  






Feared warriors. The descriptions about them are contradicting. They are described as a mix of cat-like predators and dragons.  


Dedicated workers. Even if little is known about them, you can still admire the wonderful cities that they built. Huge world-spanning complexes.  

The Ancient Minions

>>>     The conflict between the "New Brotherhood" and the "New Collective". Each side wants to secure as many of the Ancient's resources as possible. In doing so, they keep getting in each other's way. The irony is that the Ancients were split into two sides too and fought each other with the goal to wipe out the other side. Now that they are gone, the remaining parties have fallen to their old masters' habits and the fight continues. You could say business as usual under new management.  

Your First Steps

to be add...  

What to find where in the World Codex

  • The Multiverse: A description of the world, independent from the playing system
  • Mechanics: Certain aspects are driven by RPG that will be used. A race has its lore but also statistics. Here you find what is RPG specific
  • Campaigns: Bringing all together to give you playable content. Short adventures, full campaigns, and story pieces
  • Workshop: World Anvil is massive. This is the spot where I experiment with the platform. How to present things - dam CSS ;), or how I can use some of the functions and features
Note: The whole thing is one big "work in progress". You may find placeholders and notes all over the place. Take this as an invitation to share your thoughts and ideas about the content. I'm not in a rush and I don't have a fixed plan to follow. One day I do a map, the other I feel like I have to describe a mushroom. Nothing is set in stone. It's all in a flow. So feel free to contact me if you have feedback, a wish to include something or focus on. One more thing: If you can't read it, it's most likely because it is in German. Most of my content I create first in German and then I translate it into my version of English ;)

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