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The DM Timeline

This is the overall timeline with all events and detailed information. Later there will be dedicated timelines for the different viewpoints on the history of ATLAS LOST.

The War of the Gods

... 0 BAS

Nobody knows when the conflict between the Ancient began, but one thing is clear, each side wanted not only to defeat the other but to wipe it out of existence completely.

  • -12757 WoG

    The Marbellus Assassination
    Life, Crime

    The Ancient , kill one of their own. Everyone agreed that Marbellus had to go.

  • -1245 WoG

    Military action

    When the Ancient descended like a plague with their war upon on Atu, the inhabitants of this world believed that the sky above them would explode and the ruins of the destroyed sky would rain down on them

  • -84 WoG

    The transmigration of souls
    Discovery, Scientific

    The nature of ether as the cornerstone of every kind of energy was known, but that the souls of the living were made of ether was a new discovery.

    The war on Atu was more destructive than any other campaign I took part. The new weapons we got were so terribly efficent, that the amount of life that we wiped out was higher like nerver before one could watch the souls of the dead leave their bodies and wander.

    Malestan Xi - Gunner of the Light Dragoon Regiment X74

  • Ghosts spottend
    The day the ghosts came
    Disaster / Destruction

    For some reason, the souls of the dead no longer leave the world of the living.

  • 0 WoG

    The betrayal and the end of the war of the gods
    Diplomatic action


The Time of Chaos

439 AS 1563 AS

It took time for the Ancient's absence to take full effect, but when the new rulers began to get in each other's way. Taking possession of what the Ancient left behind. New conflicts broke out.

  • 0 ToC
    The Rise of the Servants
    Era beginning/end

    Now with the ancient gone, their servants, henchman, and minions took over control and everyone wanted a piece of the legacy.

  • 1097 ToC
    The pact of the New Brotherhood

    A group united in the belief that only the strong have a right to own the heritage of the Ancient came together. The others should bow down and serve or die.

  • 1560 ToC

    The New Collective is formed

    The brotherhood became so big and powerful that its opponents formed the Collective. They oppose the arbitrariness of the Brotherhood and in the common conviction that the individual can only be strong in a community.

  • 1563 ToC

    The Battle of Malgor Light
    Era beginning/end

    The age of Choas ends with the battle for Malgor Light, a factory world of the Ancient. The former servants of the Ancient have now completely split into two sides, like their former rulers. From now on the brotherhood and the collective fight each other