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Atlas Ethereal Plane

Mona, 10, 1502 ED

“Welcome back to another school year, the staff here at Atlas Academy are rather excited to see you all. First off, Let me introduce the newest member of our staff, Alice Que. Professor Que, I'm happy to say, has agreed to teach three academic levels of Ancient History. Meanwhile, the position of Defense and Weaponry will be taken by Professor Ronin. This year's Mastery Exams will be held one week earlier than last year so make sure you are prepared ahead of time. We don't want to panic and explode the alchemic lab like last year. As for the optional profession placement exams, first-years are welcome to participate in them. I believe I have taken up enough of your time. Please enjoy the banquet. I wish you all the best of luck for your first day tomorrow, May Gemini be with you!” -Headmaster, Professor Morthil Carven
The ethereal plane, Atlas is home to the school known as Atlas Academy of Fate or A.A. for short. Here the students learn about various things and become very familiar with the concept of fate. Though this campaign will be focused here at the Atlas Academy it is not the primary focus. Various other worlds/planes/realms will be explored.

Campaign Intro

The sun poured through the windows of the Atlas Academy. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations. Slowly laughter and footsteps began to fill the academy halls. Students rush to the banquet hall for a fresh meal before diving into their class schedules. The day moved on, showing no real signs of anything amiss. That was until the end of the day when the last bell rang throughout the school. Strong rays of golden light stretched across the pink-stained sky. Students began to pack up their things and inquiries about what dinner could be sprang forward. Suddenly bright blinding light filled everything. Silence fell upon the Academy, then panic. Students and faculty members turned into stone statues. Those unaffected by the magic followed malicious laughter to the eastern balconies of the academy. There they saw five silhouetted figures on the horizon encased in white light walk into the setting sun until they were gone. [Session One to Two takes place before this. More details to come in game]  
The mission of the Atlas Academy is to discover and preserve Fate, to develop and spread knowledge from one generation to the next, to promote free and open study of all forms of education, and to enhance the lives of people throughout Atlas through the use of magic. - Atlas Academy Mission Statement
Atlas an arcane rich world that provides many places where students can study any skill and many professors who take eager learners under their wings. Being accepted to the Atlas Academy is a special honor, the dream of many young students. Atlas Academy is a place of enlightenment and learning, and both its graduates and its delegates are typically welcomed and respected wherever they go.   Founded many centuries ago by the Gemini, Atlas Academy is the premier institution of learning, drawing promising students of all ages from all over. The academy offers degrees for five professions—summarized in the Professions of Atlas Academy table—covering a vast array of academic and magical specialties. Each profession requires eight years to obtain a base-level degree. To obtain a mastery-level degree an additional four years of schooling is required.       As an A.A. student, you start with a well-rounded education in a rigorous first-year program. In your second year, you choose your preferred specialty in one of the five professions. You can also partake in a vibrant campus life, with plenty of clubs and other activities. You might even play on one of Atlas Academies' prestigious academic teams and bask in the adoration of cheering crowds!