Astraeus Helios

High King Helios (a.k.a. The Avenger)

The High King of Syntheia. The Avenger. Son of the Starlit Conqueror.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A very fit man but not very large.

Facial Features

A soft face that's accustomed to hardened expressions. His facial hair is shaven clean.

Identifying Characteristics

His long, flowing, near-white blonde hair ensures that he stands out in any crowd. His eyes are a fiery yellow like his fathers.

Physical quirks

Yellow fucking eyes.

Specialized Equipment

Extremely capable in one on one combat thanks to years of dueling. His skill with the blade is almost unmatched in the entirety of Syntheia.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up in Hyperion until his 12th birthday when he was sent to Ocecien to train under Daemion "The Survivor" Theia. In those years he proved himself a worthy heir to the conqueror and returned home at the age of 18. (Flesh this out l8er)




Learned statecraft under The Survivor. Learned the blade from his father and Daemion Theia.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Avenged his father and put down the second Dark-Eyes rebellion. Killed the head of the Flarres family in personal combat.

Morality & Philosophy

Syntheia must remain united for the betterment of the Kingdom and the rest of the world. Anything that can done to preserve the union, must be done.

Personality Characteristics


To uphold the great name of the Starlit Conqueror and to keep his kingdom united for years to come.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1172 29 Years old
Fiery Yellow
Shoulder length, flowing, blonde hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white.
Known Languages
Syntheian, Common. Fluent in both.


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