
On a normal, sunny day those among the undead freely roam, but only in the Land's End where this is no hope. Forever shackled by a curse laid upon their ancestors, the sun shall be their enemy for the rest of eternity. Try as they might fight back, the sun is unforgiving in its tasks, those cursed reduced to ash. 
That is until one day a genius King turned to the sun and asked...


During the brightest year of 145, the Blue King woke up and questioned why they had to suffer from the sun's light. Unaware of the previous conflict involving Vulcan and The Old One, he planned to do something about it, even if it meant giving up a lot. He studied for years on the topic of whether alteration, something that was never discovered or researched before. He decided that if they were going to fit in and try to appear normal, there needed to be a way for them to function like normal people and that meant walking during the day.
During this thirty-year period of study the Blue King created the 'three great weapons', three rituals meant to aid the vampires if they ever needed it. In the first ten years, he created Eternal.


A a ritual that requires a group of people to cast it, but in order to do so, they must recite the spell in Vampiric and put forward a sacrifice of mana every day for as long as the ritual lasts.


A First and a Second must attend, and all attendees must be mages in some way, shape or form.
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