BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


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Eons ago, existence was merely the Void, malcontent with boredom. The Void tore itself apart to give rise to the planes and the first deities. The fracturing created a plethora of worlds, the central one known as Atma–the material plane.   The deities loved Atma most, so the matrons of sea and starry sky gave birth to the land. The lands were rich with life, and the gods enjoyed toying and playing with these creations. Time passed and the gods’ playfulness, clumsiness, and wrath fractured the land and oceans, diving Atma into countless continents, oceans, and islands, many floating through the endless expanse of the sky.   The lands of Atma are expansive beyond any single mortal’s knowledge, though many have tried to see all the lands in their short lifespans..   The deities playfully set the natures and magics of Atma into motion, but have little desire to interact with the dull lives of mortals. In order to quell the mortals, the Auspices were created. They are demi-god-like creatures who regularly interact with mortals on behalf of the gods.   The Auspices, millenia ago, gave rise to the Jiva Codex, a set of basic deific laws that most principalities use for governance, especially how to appeal to and also invoke the gods’ wrath.   While the Void itself is no longer, a remnant of its existence remains in all things: magic. Even in trace amounts, it is in the dirt, the rocks, and the plants. But most abundantly, it exists within mortals.   Because of the prevalence of magic, competency in simple conjuration is common, often taught to children in schools alongside language, math, and law. Powerful magic proficiency and mastery are incredibly rare. The risk involved in higher orders often leads to death in mortals. This hasn’t deterred everyone, which has led magic to become the basis for rule, authority, power, and influence across much of Atma.