The Cataclysm
Geological / environmental event
The fall of celestial object and arrival of Corruption.
The impact changed part of Atocitera's landscape, cut the mountains from the ground, and threw them into the air. Suspended in the air by the upper stream of the Flow, the mountains formed the Atocites.
The Cataclysm
The moment when unknown celestial object fell from the sky, its impact empowered the already present magical flows and introduced new force: The Corruption
The impact disrupted
The Flow so much, that the empowered magical energies severed numerous mountains. The collision of empowered flow then caused the severed mountains to fly up. These mountains were then captured by the Flow higher up above the ground. This event formed the
Atocites, which are flying high enough above the ground to serve as safe place for people of
The Atocites were however very barren and resources on them were not fit for living. Even after the humans moved to the Atocites and build their settlements on them, they still needed to periodically return to the
Ground bellow and harvest whatever they could.
What was not destroyed by the impact was changed by the corruption, forming place too dangerous to survive in. Any sapient being who was exposed to the corruption for long enough lost itself.