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Faermythril is the city of the fey, populated by Eladrin, fairies, hobgoblins, and whichever other feywild race you can think of. In the city, all who enter are required to wear masks that hide the majority of their features. A guild known as the Facelifters is known for magically stealing the identities of those not in the know, leaving unlucky victims faceless (literally or figuratively) or nameless.


It’s quite difficult to take a census in a city that shifts between planes constantly, so a population estimate is hard to get. A general estimate is around 40% Eladrin, 20% Hobgoblin, 10% Harengon, 10% Satyr, 5% Centaur, 5% Fairy, and 10% other.   The population all have a very extravagant, expressive style of dress. Seelie tend to wear more colourful outfits than the Unseelie.


Faermythril is governed by two elected officials, a fey of the seelie court and another of the unseelie court. They are typically bitter rivals. Together they partake in public debates where they attempt to make any sort of decision for the good of Faermythril, and in extension, Faervandor. Citizens are encouraged to loudly cheer on or boo the official they agree or disagree with.

Guilds and Factions

The rivalry between the Seelie and Unseelie fey runs deep in Faermythril. This can be seen not only in their political rivalry, but in their theatre troupes as well. There are two groups that perform in the city: A seelie group that does only comedies, and an unseelie group that performs only tragedies. Both have been known to use enchantment magic to spice up their performances, by bewitching not only the actors, but the audience as well.


The known history of the city is jumbled and uncertain. Most fey believe it's just "always been there." In truth, the city was once fully in the Feywild, and fell into the material plane by accident when Atraia was created.


The city citys overlooking the lake.


Feywild vegetation grows all around and throughout the city- it's practically impossible to keep the colourful plants from invading yards, so the city has embraced it. Strange mists and winds tend to enter the city from the mixture of magical energy permeating the area and the climate of the lake.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Fey
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym


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