Vicerya Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Alissa Nathalie Hyperion (a.k.a. Vicerya)

A traumatised human Sith with a strong sense of ambition.  Vicerya is cold, calculating, and a natural extrovert. She is efficient in the execution of her tasks, and will not hesitate to do the unthinkable in order to achieve victory. Vicerya has found that her own impatience and brutally cold personality get in the way of what she sets out for herself, but struggles to overcome these negative traits as a result of her traumatic past.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vicerya is in peak physical condition, however her body is visibly scarred on the surface.

Body Features

Vicerya has a tattoo on her right shoulder which runs down her arm.  The image is a battle scarred Imperial Flag with small Harrowers in the sky for background.

Facial Features

Vicerya has a second degree burn on the right side of her face.  The scar was purposely branded on her in the shape of a flame - originally marking her as a slave.

Identifying Characteristics

Vicerya's identifying feature is the brand on her face.

Physical quirks

Vicerya has her head slightly tilted most of the time.  Her right hand also shakes subtly without control.

Special abilities

High level of mastery in Form II - Makashi.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

32800 TYA - The Battle of Druckenwell - Imperial victory. Two Sith Lords involved in the conflict, Nathalie and Excalus Hyperion, were expecting a child after their victory in the Mid Rim. The Great Galactic War was at it's height across the galaxy, and the soon to be mother, in command of the BSX-5 Imperial Dreadnought: "The Interceptor", departed the fleet for Dromund Kaas to give birth to their child. "The Interceptor" was left in the hands of her husband, and after the Sith Empire consolidated their victory at Druckenwell, they moved to amass their forces in preparation for a strike at the Republic's capital - Coruscant. Lord Excalus departed with the fleet, coreward bound, and their daughter, Alissa Hyperion, was born in Kaas City.   Little Alissa, sadly, never got to see her father. "The Interceptor" was assaulted by Republic forces during the invasion of Coruscant, and the complete destruction of the Dreadnought and her crew, including Lord Excalus, was confirmed. Nathalie, filled with pain and anger at the news of her husband’s death, watched the Holo-Net's coverage of Sacking of Coruscant with hatred in her eyes. Her resentment towards the Republic deepened, and a desire for the Republic's total destruction began to consume her. Excalus' legacy had been given to her in little Alissa, and Nathalie took her daughter as her only Sith apprentice - training her so that together they would one day be powerful enough to take on any of the Empire's enemies, just like she had been with Excalus.   With a ceasefire announced across the galaxy and a fragile peace established after the Sacking of Coruscant, Nathalie focused her attention on raising her daughter. She exposed Alissa to the Sith doctrine from a very young age, and took her across the galaxy to show her their ancestral history and origins of the Sith. Nathalie kept reminding Alissa how the Republic had murdered her father during her development, which grew an ever increasing hatred for the Republic, and the Jedi, in the young girl’s mind. As soon as she was old enough to hold a lightsaber, Nathalie began Alissa's training in lightsaber combat. Nathalie was an expert duellist and mastered in three forms of lightsaber combat: Makashi, Juyo, and Ataru. It was something Alissa wanted to one day herself aspire too. The young girl was a quick study, and excelled in her early teachings of Shi-Cho from her mother - pathing the way to the duellist she would one day become.   32813 TYA - The Second Galactic War begins.  Called into service as soon as the conflict reignited, Nathalie and her daughter... [WIP] The Galactic War tore through the galaxy for four years, and was something Alissa frequently engaged in at her mother's side. At the age of sixteen at the height of the renewed war, Alissa was sent to the Imperial capital to take her skills to the next level, and trained at the Dromund Kass Sith Academy where she studied Sith languages and picked Makashi as her chosen form to specialise in. Six months later, her mother disappeared under mysterious circumstances. After endless hours waiting for confirmation and investigations from Imperial Intelligence, Nathalie was presumed M.I.A./K.I.A. having partaken in a major battle over Sullust before her disappearance.  Alissa was without a Sith master to complete her training, and so was picked up by a Sith Lord called Scals at the Academy - altering her future drastically...   Lord Scals was a brutal and merciless teacher. His methods involved physical and mental torture, preying on the young girl with ruthless shocks of Force lightning whenever she made a mistake. He beat her, cut her with sharp blades, and marked her with a brand across the right side of her face in the shape of a flame. Scals intended to beat Alissa into a servant of his will, contorting the memories of her mother into those of pain and abandonment. He twisted her past into a source of anger Alissa could draw from, and channelled her hatred towards into a powerful tool he could manipulate and control. Scals ruthless training proved efficient, and her hatred for him, and her past, grew stronger with every shock, cut, and punch he gave her. This ruthless way of training gave Alissa nerve damage in her right arm for the rest of her life, stunting her growth in offensive applications of the Force and lead her to make up for it in the precision of her single handed blade work.  She grew cold, ruthless, and bitter as a result - twisted and unstable in her mind, and it showed on her behaviour in social interactions. The way she looked at others, with her head tilted to one side, and a piercing, cold gaze from behind hateful eyes, reflected it all...   32817 TYA - A mysterious new power attacks the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire.  The Eternal Empire is revealed and its forces are unleashed on the unsuspecting galaxy.  Lord Scals is forced off Dromund Kaas to aid in the Sith Empire's retaliation and defence against the Eternal Empire, but their strength and shipyards faltered quickly.  Her training still incomplete, Alissa remained at the Sith Academy on Dromund Kaas to continue her studies and prepare for the worst should the Eternal Empire invade.  She practiced her lightsaber sequences daily and sparred with her peers on a regular basis.  Alissa volunteered and took part in setting up the defences of her home should the enemy ever decide to attack, but Dromund Kaas was left relatively unharmed by the Eternal Empire's conquest.  Towards the end of the year, Dromund Kaas was blockaded by the Eternal Empire until both major factions surrendered and became vassals to the Eternal Empire.  The blockade ended when both superpowers bent the knee, and were forced to pay heavy tributes to Zakuul and submit to armament restrictions.   Lord Scals fell victim to the Eternal Empire’s conquest during the climax of the war.  Alissa, now choosing the name Vicerya, didn’t shed a single tear for her former hated master.  Between Scals, her mother, and her time with the instructors at the Dromund Kass Sith Academy, Vicerya had become a very deadly and efficient duellist. She had become an expert in the art of Mikashi, and showed considerable skill in art of Ataru as well. She was adept in the other classic forms of lightsaber combat, and had honed herself into an aggressive fighter with a matching style in combat.  Her rather small size made her fast and mobile, and she was known at the Academy for striking at her opponents with fierce, precision blows of her lightsaber ahead of her years.  She had customised her lightsaber with a long blade, making it unorthodox to most Makashi practitioners.  Her knowledge in the Force remains lacklustre to this day, but she more than makes up for it with the precision of her blade work.  She know how to conjure non-lethal shocks of Force Lightning, and is surprisingly good at telekinesis (considering her weak arm) and movements assisted by the force.   32823 TYA - The Eternal Empire crumbles at the hands of the Alliance Commander. The Sith Empire and Galactic Republic are liberated, and galactic conflict between the two major powers escalates to what it was before. Free of her masters, Alissa developed ambitions - ambitions to become something more than a mere Sith warrior and soldier in the seemingly never ending conflict she was born into. She wanted to become something more - someone powerful enough to shape her own destiny. She stayed on Dromund Kass untill 32828 TYA, [WIP]. The best way to do so was to join a powerbase to use as a slingshot. She knew precisely what powerbase to join, and sought out Darth Vexe to join the Atrox Ultrix…


Dromund Kass Sith Academy || High Sith Language Courses


Sith Warrior - in both Emperor Vitiate's (deceased) and Empress Acina's (incumbent) Sith Empire.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survived the Eternal Empire's onslaught on the galaxy || Mastered the art of Makashi

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to recapture an SIS agent who escaped her master's flagship.

Mental Trauma

Mild PTSD.

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent || Meticulous || Logical

Morality & Philosophy

The end justifies the means || Knowledge above all || Vengeance is justice


Topics about slavery.

Personality Characteristics


Vicerya's ambition is to climb high in the Sith hierarchy.  She plans on using her position in Vexe's power base to gather more knowledge and eventually master all forms of Lightsaber combat.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Decisiveness, Effectivity, Creativity, Exercise, Reading, Socialising. Dislikes: Talking about her past, Uncertainty, Incompetence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Courageous || Respectful || Disciplined || Smart

Vices & Personality flaws

Impatient || Abusive || Jealous || Brutal || Struggles to form long lasting contacts/friendships/relationships


Vicerya showers once a day (with shampoo every 2 days) and brushes her teeth twice daily.  She cares deeply about her personal hygiene, and uses a light perfume as well as deodorant.


Contacts & Relations

Vicerya has no noteworthy contacts, friends, or affiliations.  She has only interacted with a few Imperial Navy/Army officers and Sith overseers, however no long lasting bonds were formed.

Family Ties

Mother - Nathalie Hyperion (deceased)  ||  Father - Excalus Hyperion (deceased)

Religious Views

Believes in the Sith Doctrine and the Sith's mastery over the dark side: It is to be bent to her will.  However, she believes there is still knowledge and power to be gained from studying the light side also.

Social Aptitude

Vicerya is an extrovert and likes to socialise with others, even if her cold persona and personality often makes others feel uncomfortable around her.


Likes to chat || Relaxed formal

Hobbies & Pets

Hobbies: Reading, Studying, Exercising, Performing Lightsaber Sequences, Socialising.


Viceria speaks with a gentle voice most of the time.  Her speech is relaxed with the hint of a soft Kaasian accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Vicerya is not overly wealthy.  She can be considered Middle-Class.  Most of her earnings are spent on lightsaber modifications, armour, and various outfits.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sith Initiate || Sith Acolyte || Sith Neophyte || Sith Apprentice || Sith (current)
Year of Birth
32800 TYA 28 Years old
Dromund Kaas
Orange (corrupted)
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Olive
1.67 m
68 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Galactic Basic Standard || High Sith