Apollys Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Lord Jien Onviese (a.k.a. Apollys)

Initially born into one of the lowest castes of Umbaran society, the young Lord Apollys climbed her way up the social hierarchy through means of sabotage, subterfuge, manipulation, and betrayal, before becoming an Honourable Councillor of the Rootai (a ruler of Umbara). Her desire for power, both politically and in the Force, has led her to betray her own people in order to become a Lord of the Sith.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While physical combat is not her strong suit, Apollys is regarded as very physically fit for someone her age, and especially for someone so steeped in the dark side of the Force.

Body Features

Apollys has scarring on her body in the shape of High Sith glyphs, and ritualistic tattoos.

Facial Features

Heightened cheekbones.  Thin, curved eyebrows tattooed on.  A purple tattoo stretching across her eyes.  Glyph scarring across her chin and mouth.

Identifying Characteristics

Apollys' identifying features are her pure white eyes, ritualistic purple tattoos, and milky-white skin.  She usually speaks in a hushed tone, yet that doesn't downplay the menacing nature carried by it.

Apparel & Accessories

Apollys makes a habit of wearing dark robes with purple highlights, sometimes accompanied by valuable materials such as gold or silver.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lord Apollys, then known as Jien Onviese, was born into the lowest caste of Umbara as little more than dirt beneath the boot of the major population. She became a factory worker at 11 years old, and at 18 she killed her manager accidentally following an assault against her her.  She snapped his neck with the Force, and Jien earned the manager's position at the factory she was working.  Jien grew obsessed with learning more about the power at her disposal, and lead her down the rabbit hole of occult knowledge and dark side secrets.   As the years ticked on, Jien grew wise to the ways of her world. Careful scheme by careful scheme, she stabbed every superior she ever had in the back and dealt with those who would do the same to her, growing higher and higher socially, until she could climb no higher. She became one of the Rootai, the ruling council of Umbara, and to her people her resources were practically unlimited.   However, a year into her run as Councillor, Jien found herself stagnating. It was a strange sensation, having no more power to work towards and no more goals in life to achieve. The only vice she had was her research into the Force, but even as a Rootai, her options were frustratingly scarce. But, her luck appeared to take a turn. The Sith Empire had turned its sights upon the World of Shadow, and Jien, fascinated by the Sith's power, decided to throw her lot in with them. She approached the commanding Sith on Umbara, Lord Garr, and gave him the information he needed to advance his assault, in return for one thing only: The chance to become Sith. Garr accepted, and the next day, Jien went to Korriban.   Jien found Acolytehood second nature. Sabotaging her opponents, working towards a coveted goal - she had been doing this her entire life. Only a few months into her training, Jien eliminated her entire group of Acolytes, and earned the position of Lord Garr's apprentice.   With the Sith, Jien found new purpose. She greatly advanced her connection in the Force, and gained became more and more powerful with each passing day. Eventually, she saw little use for Lord Garr, as she had taught herself more than he had taught her. During the Imperial assault on Tython, Jien followed her master as he delved into the temple ruins, hunting for Jedi. Once he reached a secluded chamber, Jien fed him visions of attacking Jedi. Once he was sufficiently distracted, Jien collapsed the chamber roof above him, crushing his body beneath tons of rubble. The last thing Lord Garr saw was his apprentice standing above him, taking his lightsaber from his mangled hand.   Jien promptly took control of Garr's assets, and shed the identity of Jien Onviese, peasant turned royalty. She became Lord Apollys, Sith Sorceress and Lord of Ancient Knowledge.   Shortly afterwards, Apollys went on an expedition to a world discovered by Imperial scouts, feeling particularly drawn to it. This world was inhabited by a primitive humanoid race, calling themselves the Fey'a, and they were positively pulsing with the Force. Apollys became obsessed with this world, learning everything she could about it. She found one little orphan girl strong in the Force like no other. She made the decision to take this girl as her apprentice.   After a year of studying this strange world, Apollys came across a strange chamber buried deep within the ground. In the centre of this chamber was a crystal, with an undeniable presence in the Force. When Apollys tried to commune with this crystal, it reacted to her own darkness, and destroyed itself. Soon after, the entire planet was stricken by natural disaster after natural disaster, destroying great swaths of this world and its people. Apollys evacuated from the planet, taking her new apprentice with her.   Apollys cut her losses with the now-ruined Fey'a homeworld, and focused herself on honing the power of the girl she brought with her. She gave this girl a name: Kuno No-Otome. A name which in the Fey'a Tongue means 'Lady of Anguish'.   As expected, Kuno passed her Sith trials with flying colours, and proved herself worthy to be Apollys' apprentice. For several years, they carved destruction as the Sith continued their ancient war with the Republic. But one day, Kuno did the one thing a Sith should never do. She grew a conscience. She betrayed her Master, and cast off her Sith identity. Apollys has since vowed to destroy her wayward apprentice.   More recently, Apollys has entered into a fresh rivalry, this time with an upstart Pureblooded Sith named Lord Visceris. Visceris coveted Apollys' library of ancient knowledge, and in light of this, declared war on her. Apollys bided her time, learning everything she could about the upstart. But Visceris was young and brash. He threw all of his forces at Apollys in one brutal assault, one she barely escaped with her life. Her powerbase crippled, Apollys now seeks a way to rebuild, and crush the Upstart Lord beneath her heel.


During her childhood, Apollys received no official education, and was schooled by her mother. However, as she climbed up Umbara's caste system, she received the education she was denied by her former social status, attending college and university, specialising in courses of politics and Force theory.   After betraying Umbara to join the Sith, her long-desired training in the Force hit light-speed, and she quickly grew in power during her time at the Academy.


Apollys has had many professions over the course of her life, the first being a factory labourer from the ages of 11 to 18. She served in the Umbaran Militia, giving her decent skill in combat, and has filled many government positions, giving her a keen sense of politics.   She spent some years as the apprentice of Lord Garr. She bided her time with overthrowing her master, honing her power as best she could before making her first strike. Since becoming a Lord, she has dedicated herself to discovering more about the Force, all with the goal of making her stronger.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of Apollys' proudest achievements is successfully beating Umbara's game of politics and subterfuge, even if she grew bored with the results.   She has uncovered many secrets of the Dark Side, and a dedicated archive to her various findings.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of Apollys' greatest failures to date is failing to stop her apprentice Kuno from betraying the Empire. Another is inadvertently causing the destruction of Kuno's homeworld before she could explore the planet in depth.   The second would be her defeat at the hands of Lord Visceris. For an experienced Lord to lose so much at the hands of a fresh Sith such as him was considered a massive embarrassment.

Mental Trauma

Apollys ' childhood could be considered nothing less than traumatic. She suffered a great deal of abuse from members of the higher castes, as well as the deaths of her mother and elder brother at a young age. She considers her past an obstacle she had made great strides to overcome.

Intellectual Characteristics

Every word that comes from Apollys' mouth is careful and calculated, given a measure of how effective each sentence will be in granting its desired effect.   She is a master of manipulation, and prides herself on learning the desires, fears and impulses of any given being, and how to play them to her own ends. Except for... one.

Morality & Philosophy

Apollys has a strong aversion to the idea that only those from a pure Sith bloodline could be considered strong in the Force. She believes she has overcome more obstacles than most Pureblooded Sith ever face, and has come out all the more stronger for it.   If there is anything Apollys has learnt from her past, it's that the world is kill or be killed. She puts her own needs and wellbeing before anyone else and never lets her guard down. She always looking for a weakness to prod at, just in case.   Apollys believes that in order to understand the Force, all of its factors must be taken into account. Light, Dark, and everything in between. While she remains a dedicated acolyte of the Dark, she acknowledges that it doesn't exist in a vacuum. To Apollys, to believe that the Force is as black and white as everyone claims it is is to follow the path of a fool. Hence, she has a considerable collection of Light Side and Neutral Force lore in her archive.

Personality Characteristics


Apollys has only ever had one goal in life: Become stronger, at any cost. She knows what weakness is and she is never going back to that life again. She desires to show the galaxy how it truly feels to be the downtrodden, to give everyone the pain she had suffered tenfold.   Speaking in more recent terms, her current goal is to take revenge on Lord Visceris, and show the Empire that she is still a force to be reckoned with.

Likes & Dislikes

Apollys has grown a taste for the finer things in life. The just deserts of everything she had overcome in her life. She also has a deep fascination with anything to do with the Force, not just restricted to Sith Knowledge, and not just restricted to the Dark side. She also enjoys the endless powerplays within the Empire. While she isn't one to pick fights, she sees the Empire's culture of backstabbing and subterfuge as an ever-evolving paradigm that she has to constantly adapt to keep ahead of. If nothing else, it keeps her life exciting.   Apollys has no patience for propaganda concerning the purity of Sith Blood. It comes off to her as annoying, short-sighted and above all, limiting. She hates to see the wasted potential of an asset, both of people and of objects. It irritates her when an army or an artefact is not put to use where it has the most effect, or when someone is holding back their talents.

Virtues & Personality perks

Apollys is a smart woman. Her diverse experience has given her great insight, and she applies it to no end.   She knows her own limits, even if she does constantly push them. While her goal is to always become stronger, she's wary to not bite off more than she can chew.   Despite her cold exterior, she does have the capacity to care for people. She considered Kuno something of a daughter prior to her betrayal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Apollys can be quick to anger, even if she rarely shows it externally. She has been known to lash out violently at people, and operations have suffered for this.   She places her own whims and desires above all else, which isn't necessarily helpful in a group setting. She's capable of putting it aside for the greater good, but if she's presented with an opportunity to get what she wants, she won't hesitate to take it, no matter the cost.

Personality Quirks

One of Apollys' stranger attributes is her complete disregard for her dignity or decorum. She would attend meetings covered in blood after just performing a ritual, or summon someone to her quarters while bathing, and act like nothing is out of the ordinary. Her life as a lowborn on Umbara didn't teach her much in the way of modesty, and to this day she still does not care for it.


Decent hygiene is something that was rare among the lower castes of Umbara, and it isn't something Apollys takes for granted. She bathes and showers regularly, as well as following a skincare routine popularised among Umbaran nobles.


Contacts & Relations

Apollys has ties with various criminal syndicates, including the Emporium, an organisation dealing in the trade of rare items. She has hired the Emporium on numerous occasions to help her discover Sith artefacts.

Family Ties

Asiada Onviese (Mother | Deceased) Ymaran Onviese (Father | Deceased) Kembas Onviese (Brother | Deceased) Kiara Onviese (Half-Sister | Not in contact) Kuno No-Otome (Apprentice + Adopted Daughter)

Religious Views

Apollys views the Force as a maze: Complex, winding and infuriating to understand. She believes she can map out the maze by studying all of its aspects.

Social Aptitude

Apollys is a manipulator by trade. She knows how to play to people's desires, how to get them on her side. It's a skill that came in handy during her time on Umbara.


Apollys has been described as cold, rigid, and honestly quite creepy. She says every word like she practiced it beforehand, like lines from a script she has memorised off heart. Each movement she makesis careful, yet fluid. Focused, yet effortless.

Hobbies & Pets

Apollys' chief pastime is researching anything and everything about the Force, something she takes earnestly and carefully.


Apollys is a well-spoken individual, and chooses her words very, very carefully. During a conversation, she is likely to make one of her infamous 'dramatic pauses'.

Wealth & Financial state

Apollys retains her immense wealth from her days as one of the Rootai, plus her income from the Underworld enterprises she inherited from Lord Garr.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Honourable Councillor of the Rootai" || "Lord of the Sith"
Year of Birth
32782 TYA 46 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.64 m
72 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Umbaran (First Language) || Galactic Basic Standard || Sith || High Sith || Huttese || Mando'a.