Atai D'nar Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil

Atai D'nar

Gun-For-Hire, Initiate Atai Naemir D'nar (a.k.a. Atai)

Atai is a male Zygerrian gun for hire and a private contractor from Zygerria. Spending most of his career centred on Nar Shadda and operating throughout Hutt Space, Atai has become dissatisfied and unmotivated. Atai seeks out new work with the Empire as the Third Galactic War rages on across the galaxy...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Atai is in good shape and physically in his prime, exercising regularly and having a very active career. He has no serious injuries, ailments, hereditary health issues or disabilities.

Body Features

Atai is covered from head to toe in light brown fur. Throughout his time as a gun for hire, Atai has suffered some scarring, bruises and burns but all are covered by clothes and grown over by fur.

Facial Features

Atai has distinct facial markings in his fur. He was white around his eyes and eyebrows with a bar of dark brown down his nose and jagged points of near-black fur separating them all. Atai also has a mane of hair running down his cheek and jawbones.

Identifying Characteristics

Atai is easily recognisable by his brown-yellow eyes, facial markings and disinterested expression. Though what makes him stand out the most is his species, few Zygerrians travel out of the Slave Empire or Sith Empire unless to raid for new 'merchandise'.

Physical quirks

Atai is usually rather stiff, inexpressive and unenthusiastic when he speaks. Blunt as a stone, it is sometimes easier to take to a brick wall than Atai.

Apparel & Accessories

  • Frock Coat and Armoured Jacket
  • M6 Hunter Blaster Pistol
  • FZ-39 Blaster Rifle w/scope 
  • WL-29 Shotgun
  • Smoke, Flash-bang and Frag grenades
  • Electro-Whip
  • Comlink
  • Datapad
  • Small Tool Kit
  • Multi-tool
  • Combat Knife
  • Pepper Spray
  • Emergency Hipflask
  • Handcuffs
  • Pazaak Deck (Old)
  • Pack of Cigarettes
  • Grappling / Climbing Kit

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atai D'nar was born on Zygerria in 32797 TYA, a few years before the Sith Empire sacked the Republic's capital of Coruscant (32800 TYA). The subsequent treaty had tremendously prosperous effects on the Zygerrian Empire as a client state of the Sith Empire. The war brought in an influx of ‘products’ and wealth for the Slave Empire, pushing back the borders of the anti-slavery policies of the Galactic Republic and setting up a border connection between the Sith and Hutt Cartels. During the Cold War period, Zygerria prospered exponentially. However, the rapid influx of slaves created a rift between the different social classes on Zygerria with an incredibly wealthy nobility. To try to combat this dominant nobility, the Zygerrian government implement the 'New Man Act', broadening the franchise of the nobility, allowing for the D'nar family to rise to minor Noble.   At this time the D'nar family had a net worth of around 2.6 million Credits. The family’s main source of income was Krae D'nar's mining company on the planet of Rekkiad, manned mainly by slaves. It was this wealth that rose the family to minor noble status. Atai's upbringing was one of relative privilege and pampering. The family’s wealth only heightens from profiteering from the renewed war against the Republic, bringing the family and Zygerria to their economic peak for a generation.  
The Eternal Empire's invasion of the galaxy however set about a change in the winds, the Eternal fleet's dominance against the Empire and Republic made intergalactic trade incredibly difficult and hazardous. For the many smaller businesses and minor nobles on Zygerria the sudden lack of imports and inability to export products set the stage for a catastrophic crash of the socio-economic hierarchy on Zygerria. The D'nar family were one of many families hit by this crash, while legally maintaining their status as nobles the family were now no richer than the common man.

Atai standing in front of his personal ship

When the Eternal Empire defeated the Republic and Empire, Atai left his family on Zygerria to make his own fortunes in Hutt Space, believing that his father and family were foolish to make their fortunes from their homeworld because of Zygerria's close link and reliance on the Sith Empire's demand for slave labour which was volatile and unreliable.   In the 6 years since leaving his homeworld, Atai has jumped between petty gangs and small crew operations, learning a few skills on the way and being able to fend for himself in combat. Atai made sure to never settle down with any one organisation and has steered clear of the bigger factions like the Hutt's, the Exchange, and the Czerka Corporation, among others. Atai is determined to create a business for himself outside of the Zygerrian Empire and is constantly looking for any opportunities that spell profit.   Having spent so long centred on Nar Shadda and with the Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic escalating again, Atai sees now as the perfect time to broaden his horizons and seek work elsewhere.




  • Pre-School Education (Private Funded)
  • Primary Level Education (Private Funded)
  • Secondary Level Education (Private Funded)
  • College Degree - Mixed Honours - Aerospace Engineering and Business Studies
  Other Qualifications:
  • Aerospace Transport Pilot Licence
  • Commercial Pilot Licence (Acquired Illicitly)
  • Firearms Certificate (Acquired Illicitly)


Various - Self-employed Private Contractor

Accomplishments & Achievements

Living frugally and saving up credits from his jobs in Hutt Space, Atai has been able to buy his own starship; a K-52 Strongarm Light Freighter, naming it 'The Duralloy Maiden'.

Failures & Embarrassments

In the six years of doing jobs in Hutt Space, Atai is dissatisfied with life. He is yet to achieve the wealth, fame and power he fantasises about.

Mental Trauma

Atai's upbringing around slavery has desensitized him to the trade and has installed a Darwinist mentality of 'survival of the fittest' into his moral compass.

Intellectual Characteristics

Blunt and direct, Atai isn't a sociable person. He is driven by credits and credits alone. Atai presents himself as a cold man but secretly will harbour care for a few certain individuals he gets on with or respects.

Morality & Philosophy

Atai follows no religion or creed, his decisions are all based on the pursuit of credits and wealth. Atai doesn't actively participate in the slave trade but he does agree with it, seeing it as the strong asserting their natural dominance over the weak. There are some limits however to the contracts Atai will take, children are off the table.


Supports Slavery

Personality Characteristics


Atai is entirely motivated by credits and the promise of wealth. Atai wants to be a criminal kingpin, with a huge estate, a fleet of privateers, holiday homes, galactic influence, a vault full of credits, shares in businesses across the galaxy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Savy at: Killing, Haggling, drinking, flying
  • Inept at: Diplomacy, Anything Force related

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes: Credits, wealth, power, action, firefights, smoking, drink, twippers
  • Dislikes: Schmucks, fools, wanna-be leaders and gangsters, most people in general

Virtues & Personality perks

Gets a job done without argument, doesn't cause a scene, pretty self-sufficient.

Vices & Personality flaws

Absolutly poor, bordering on no exsistant social skills. People always mistake him for a Cathar. Dependant on Smoking.

Personality Quirks

Atai is an avid smoker, not able to go a day without smoking at least 5 times.


Atai is very clean, showering once a day to keep his fur from going all knotted.


Contacts & Relations

  • Ryla - Smuggler (Friend)

Family Ties

Alive members:
  • Hanor Naemir (Uncle)
  • Kaerea D'nar (Mother)
  • Lyn D'nar (Grandmother)
  • Krae D'nar (Father)
  • Lor D'nar (Uncle)
  • Caflin D'nar (Sister)
  • Ymir D'nar (Brother)
Keeps in regular contact with:
  • Cafline D'nar (Sister)

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Atai would rather be left alone than socialize, preferring to drink and smoke in private. He is partial to the odd game of cards with a small group of people on occasions.


Atai talks very bluntly and his body and facial expressions match, standing very stiffly with a neutral face and little to no hand movements when he talks.

Hobbies & Pets

Smoking, Drinking, Cards, Exercise, Flying, Shooting, Hunting and Reading


Atai's voice is deep and gruff with a slight grumble, his words carry across a room. Atai's has a thick Zygerria accent, unknown and unusual to most.

Wealth & Financial state

Atai has a moderate about of savings, most of his wealth is in actual assets to aid his career as a hired gun such as his ship, weapons, gear and equipment.
Current Status
Working for the Atrox Ultrix
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
15 / 3 / 32797 TYA
Bald (Fur)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown (Fur)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"*Indistinguishable grunt*" - Atai D'nar
Known Languages
  • Galactic Standard (Second Language)
  • Zygerrian (First Language)
  • Huttese (Fluent)
  • Ryl (Understanding)
  • Mando'a (Beginner)