Dulgur Species in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Small rodent looking humanoids. These creatures live in small communities with no discernible leadership. It seems they operate more as a collective of equals and are force sensitive, even if weak. They are tricksters.  They like to play pranks against each other and those they encounter, using the force to do so. They also have the ability to mask themselves using the Force, making them appear as a harmless creature of the wild or a dangerous predator depending on their situation.   They have stayed far away from the New Ordo City on Dosuun, as this place has been extremely dangerous to them in the past with the guardians, but with the Ordo Templaris of the Fifth Crusade cleansing the mechanical guardians from their world they have emerged once more and now hold the city as their capital.  They are not very dangerous when it comes to a fight, but will use their tricks against you to make themselves seem much worse than they really are. It can be difficult to spot a Dulgur from another creature.
Up to 130 years
Average Height
1.3 - 1.5 m
Average Weight
30 - 35 kg