Kwena Bremekar Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil

Kwena Bremekar

Major Kwena Zim Bremekar (a.k.a. Wyyyschokk)

A virtuoso of deceit and facetiousness. Many see Kwena as a very ordinary person, as she does not stand out in anything at first glance. She is obedient and strict and is always smiling - no matter the event.   Kwena is a Mirialan Force user who works for the Sith Empire, which is public information. Secretly, she is a spy for Brem - the collector of information, and apocalyptic sect spiritual leader.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kwena is very flexible and agile, more so than that of a typical human.

Body Features

Kwena has a large scar which starts from her right elbow and goes up to her shoulder. She has very soft, delicate green skin that is pleasant to the touch. She has tiny scars on the right side of her stomach stemming from her liver-augmentation.

Facial Features

Kwena has facial tattoos in geometrical forms as acknowledgements of her achievements to Brem.

Identifying Characteristics

Kwena's identifying features are her facial tattoos, a scar on right elbow, her heart-warming smile, and her beautiful, understanding blue eyes.

Physical quirks

Kwena has an implanted, modified liver for better detoxification.

Special abilities

Thought shielding - something between medium and low scale of mastery in this helped her hide her affiliation to Brem, but mostly by making this almost not important secret, and those Sith Lords who met her and succeeded in looking for her secret intentions found only silly things, which she were making herself feel most guilt,regret and fear of others to know.   [WIP]

Mental characteristics

Personal history



Bremekar's orphan educational base: Utilising the Force, mental resilience, manipulation, behaviourism, assassination, bio-chemistry (toxins, poisons, venoms, etc.).   Imperial Military Academy: Multiple courses supporting her career from Private to Major.


Main: One of the many Brem loyalists.   Imperial Ground Forces: From Private to Major.   Occasional: Mercenary.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survival on Kashyyyk over several years. Learnt Shyriiwook (Wookieespeak).   Nine confirmed Jedi kills over the course of her her career.

Failures & Embarrassments

Kwena lost her first squad as an officer by instilling her fears into her troops. Her fears lead her squad to expose themselves out of cover and and were massacred under heavy fire.   Kwena is very ashamed to have been caught "arrogantly smiling" by her imperial comrades when a Sith Lord tortured their Captain to death during one of her assault missions.

Mental Trauma

The mental image of her murdered students and brother has traumatised Kwena, resulting in her choice to distance herself as far as possible from her blood relatives and does not make any new, deep bonds with other people out of fear of loss in the future.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very low intellectual integrity.  Very high intellectual autonomy.  Medium to high intellectual perseverance.  Well developed intellectual empathy.  Medium intellectual humility.  Medium intellectual courage.   Kwena can play the strings of another's heart like a tuned lute.  She is personified temptation, and is great at recognizing the desires of those around her

Morality & Philosophy

Kwena believes that everything around her is a manifestation of the Force, and therefore there is no such thing as "good" or "bad".  They are just different colours of the Force.  She has no chains of morality binding her desires.  She will act where others will hesitate.  Pleasure lurks in the dark depths of the heart, and everyone just needs to muster up the courage to release it and experience these pleasures for themselves.   B:- "Pass on your pain and hate to others, and drown these feelings in yourself until they bloom into acceptance and understanding.  Surrender to your desires and they will lead you to your true self.  No life is as important as yours." K:- "I am alive - here in this body - right now, and it is up to me to feel it all until... I am."



Personality Characteristics


Kwena is motivated to experience different views across the galaxy. She wants to see and understand life through the Force and it's many different forms of manifestation.

Likes & Dislikes

Kwena likes to smell of different flowers.  She likes to feel herself weak and dependant - to know that someone is worried about her - and likes the feeling of anticipation.  She likes to touch different materials and experience their textures.  She like to see the expressions of different emotions.   Kwena dislikes watching people bite into ice-cream, or wasting the opportunity to try out a new dish.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kwena is a talented liar - She has successfully lied her entire career and uses various, subtle Force effects on the minds of her targets to change their mood or distract those she talks to.  She can secretly manipulate and influence people's minds and have them believe that it was their own decision.  She can cooks very well, is a talented gardener, and is very adept in toxicology.  [WIP]

Vices & Personality flaws

Kwena has no moral code.  She is distrusting, hedonistic, hypocritical, selfish, dishonest, fraudulent, deceitful, suspicious, abusive, addicted to pleasure, and lewd.  She is also afraid of alive fish.

Personality Quirks

Kwena has an uncommon hair colour for Mirialans (Green).  She is ambidextrous, but prefers to do things with her left hand.


Kwena looks after herself, but hygiene is not an essential priority for her.  She does not wear make-up, and will not put her own comforts and appearance above mission objectives or her own self interests.


Contacts & Relations

Brem. The "Bremekars". Imperial Armed Forces.   Gwaparrouarrr, Kawarr, and Druylghreeppuznuwl - Kewna's wookiee friends, two of them from Kashyyyk.   Kewena relies on Laetici, her droid, for her stores.

Family Ties

Kwena's biological parents are alive from the little Brem has shared with her, however Kwena has asked to be distanced from all other information regarding them.  She sends 5% of her income to her parents, no matter her situation, through Brem.

Religious Views

Apocalyptic sect "Bremekars".

Social Aptitude

Kwena finds social contact and interactions with others very easy. She is calm, well mannered, and easy to approach. She knows how to start a conversation and easily maintain one. She also knows how to redirect, change the tone, or blur the concentration of the person she is speaking to, in order to indirectly receive information she wants to obtain.


Kwena walks very slowly and in an aristocratic manner.  She exhibits very graceful movements for everyday actions when the urgency of a mission in not paramount.

Hobbies & Pets

Kwena has always wanted a pet, but has never had the chance to properly look after one.  Her hobby is gardening and to take care of plants.


Kwena's speech varies a lot, depending on the situation and company.  She uses her voice and it's shape to affect people and their views of her.  She never speaks before first thinking about who she is talking to, and who else might hear whatever she has to say.

Wealth & Financial state

Kwena has net of her own gardening company: "Blumarden" which her droid, Laetici, has been tasked with running. The company breeds exotic flowers and plants, and sells their seeds and flora all over the galaxy.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Major. Cunning Spider. Trickster. The Faceless.
Year of Birth
32796 TYA 32 Years old
Dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.66 m
52 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Kwena:- "Jilt love and it grows into hate.  You don't love everyone. For example, me - I killed you"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Galactic Basic Standard, Shyriiwook, Binary(droid).