Nepharu Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Inquisitor and Initiate Nepharu Chirikyat (a.k.a. Horus (Occasionally Madman/Lunatic))

A Sith inquisitor, obsessed with genetic and cybernetic experimentation, as well as an adept force wielder and not limited by morality or fear of breaking taboos. Also has a serious case of OCD and is obsessed with hygiene.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Healthy and fit albeit with heavy genetic and cybernetic modifications.

Body Features

1 Implanted Neurological Processor. Numerous genetic modifications reducing the visible effect of ageing in the future, as well as one experimental modification in hopes of aiding and speeding up cell recovery.

Facial Features

Standard sith phenotype, 1 cybernetic eye with organic-based cosmetic. Red eyes, bone ridges prominent 1 slight burn mark on the left side of his face.

Identifying Characteristics

Mostly non-descript unless derobed upon which multiple differences in physiology become apparent as side effects of extensive genetic modification.

Physical quirks

His left eye witch twitches almost once every 6-7 seconds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nepharus was born and raised on the world of Korriban he was later taken into the academy when it was discovered he had an aptitude with the force. It became quickly apparent he had a sadistic side to him and he was promptly sent to the inquisitors to nurture this where for a time he thrived. Later on, he was put under the tutelage of an avid researcher of the beasts connected to the dark side of the force on Korriban where he developed a fascination and immense need to further his knowledge base and take part in experiments. He survived the massacre that was the Korriban incursion by the luck of being found by a passing oversser and taken to a secure area that was fortified to protect as many acolytes as possible. After passing the trials he was discovered and came under the wing of Darth Melora who'm appreciated his lust for knowledge and shared love for the type of experiments he most often favoured, as such she took him off-world to assist with her research and to help further her goals, this lasted only a breadth of time however as a fellow "researcher" she eventually left to pursue her own research and goals. After being separated from Malora he travelled to Dromuund Kaas staying out in the wilderness for a time hunting beasts for parts and studying them expanding his knowledge base in the biological field, he soon became interested in expanding his understanding in the field of machinery and cybernetics thus leading him to promptly apply to work in Imperial R&D where he stayed for a few years developing his skills and making a name for himself as both a skilled scientist and inventor. After he felt he learnt all he possibly could there he left deciding to further his knowledge, wanting to see if he could further pursue other means of research. From then on is yet to be seen.


Original education took place at the sith academy of Korriban. After his eventual success in his trials Nepharu later went on to study under one Darth Melora however his training was cut untimely short due to her aloof nature and need to disappear for her experiments.


Imperial R&D (Past)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to temporarily have a live head fuse with the body of a droid though it managed to survive for a short time before expiring. While not a true achievement Nepharus' consider it as such due to it being proof that route of research was not without merit.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once one of his experiments while being shown to an overseer, whilst walking by the said overseer, exploded showering them in guts and sinew abruptly, the smell lingered for days.

Mental Trauma

Was the unfortunate victim of more than one genetic and cybernetic experiments from one Darth Melora resulting is both physiological changes and psychological ones.

Intellectual Characteristics

Prone to experimentation of all kinds usually bordering on the insane, will know no limits in the pursuit of improvement and further improving upon his knowledge base. This is all aided by a neurological processor which has been surgically grafted to his brain with a protective layer covering the subsequent hole in the skull at said location.

Morality & Philosophy

Due to his nature Morality for Nepharu is practically non-existent. However, his philosophy is rather simple and straightforward. Aim as high as possible push forward and let nothing deter you from the path, break all taboos if necessary and leave absolutely no stone unturned or route unexplored.


Has and still actively commits horrendous acts of mutilation and vivisection of both living and dead in his ever-expanding need for test subjects for experimentation.

Personality Characteristics


The accumulation of knowledge and ever more demanding need for "Perfection" with his experiments albeit genetic or cybernetic in nature.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes those who consider themselves intelligent or geniuses but restrict themselves with morality and rules. Very much likes those who have an insatiable lust for knowledge and advancement of power.

Virtues & Personality perks

Could be considered a savant when it comes to the genetic and cybernetic fields. Proficient force wielder especially in the art of terror and lightning.

Vices & Personality flaws

Poor close combatant, prone to sparks of "genius" and the need to experiment.

Personality Quirks

His left eye regularly twitches very likely a sign of irritation brought about by his OCD and the need to adhere to it.


Surprisingly very hygenic almost obsessively so. (Must be sterile for the procedures!")


Contacts & Relations

Imperial R&D due to previous work with them. As well as a few sith inquisitors from his time working alongside them.

Family Ties

Born to a mid-level Sith family he still holds ties to his parents and one sibling. (Chirikyat Family)

Religious Views

None to speak of.

Social Aptitude

Despite his strange and downright morbid sensibilities, he can in fact be strangely deft with words though the longer a conversation goes on the more apparent it becomes of his real self.


Speaks very quickly almost seeming with urgency as if he cannot say it all fast enough, and seems to want to waste as little time with anything as possible. He will often grin or smirk after every sentence, and will also break into manic laughter if he has a spark or moment of inspiration.

Hobbies & Pets

1 Assistant Protocol droid who aids with his procedures. Named "R9"


Incredibly fast and to the point, the voice is rather scratchy and unpleasant to listen to.

Wealth & Financial state

Moderately wealthy from the sale and production of his numerous byproducts of his experiments.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gene Splicer, Cybernetic Grafter, Inquisitor.
Year of Birth
32802 TYA 26 Years old
Red (Bun)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.73 m
84 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If I can fuse a head to a droid and it works for 5 seconds I can open a door DROID!"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Galactic Basic Standard
  • High Sith