Tansal Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Tansal Seastre

Tansal is a Balmoran mercenary and the last surviving member of a group called the "Iron Flower Company".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tansal is fit but is known to skip the occasional meal, typically when reflecting on a failed assignment or when reminded of her past.

Identifying Characteristics

Tansal's identifying feature is her ice blonde hair cut and tied into a war braid.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tansal Seastre grew up on Balmora with conflict all around her. Orphaned at a very young age, Tansal was pushed into the role of a child soldier in order to survive on her war torn world. At the age of eleven, the young Balmorran was picked up by a group of fellow child soldiers who called themselves the "Iron Flower Company" and she soon regarded them as her new family.   Angered when the company was wiped out by Republic special forces in a bout of mistaken identity with a group of local bandits, Tansal stowed away on a shuttle to escape Balmora and became a freelance gun for hire.  The majority of her work was in service of the Sith Empire, actively seeking jobs against the Republic in misguided attempts at vengeance for her fallen brothers and sisters. After a period of work in service to the late Moff Dresan, Tansal had built up enough reputation as a reliable mercenary and gun for hire that she reached out to the Atrox after the Eternal Empire campaign for her next line of work.


Tansal has had no formal schooling or basic education.


Freelance mercenary for hire.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tansal has served as security detail for a few Imperial officials since leaving Balmorra. Most notably has been Moff Dresan of the Eighteenth Imperial expeditionary fleet, under control of Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy.

Mental Trauma

Tansal suffers from mild PTSD.

Intellectual Characteristics

Basic intellectual aptitude. Most of Tansal's knowledge is on practical skills and the use of ranged weaponry.

Morality & Philosophy

Tansal will do whatever she is paid to do, however draws the line at anything involving the harm of children.


Tansal will not harm children.

Personality Characteristics


Tansal is motivated by survival, and revenge against the Galactic Republic for wiping out her company on Balmorra.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Drinking, fighting.   Dislikes: Stuffy officers, the Hutts, the Galactic Republic.

Virtues & Personality perks

Persistence and an almost animal like dedication to seeing a job through to it's end.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tansal has a drinking problem.  She has a diminished sense of empathy and cynical viewpoint towards most situations.

Personality Quirks

Tansal will often click tongue when under pressure.


Tansal keeps herself clean but has been known to let her appearance slip due to upbringing on Balmorra.


Family Ties

Tansal has no family ties.

Religious Views

Tansal has no religious views.

Social Aptitude

Tansal is slow to adapt and finds it hard to trust others.

Hobbies & Pets

Tansal has no pets or side hobbies.


Tansal does not have a large, extended vocabulary.  Her speech is simple and direct when engaging with others.

Wealth & Financial state

Tansal can be considered poor.  She has no wealth or inheritance to her name, and fighting is all she knows when it comes to making a living
Date of Birth
24/8/32800 TYA
Year of Birth
32800 TYA 28 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.63 m
60 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Galactic Basic Standard || Smuggler's Cant.