Vigil Organization in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


The Vigil are a Roon based PMC specialising in cargo protection and peacekeeping.  Lord Renek has used them to secure his spice trade and police the cities of Nime and Nunurra, with most of its current assets operating out of his stronghold.  They have held up resistance against the Atrox Ultrix for a while, though slowly but surely they have started to lose ground due to the Atrox's air superiority.


The leadership of Vigil consists of seven individuals forming the board of directors. Two have fled off-world, while three have been killed in the Ultrix's initial assault.   Internally the company functions using a military hierarchy, using ranks found within the Republic Military.

Public Agenda

Publicly Vigil seeks to bring order and prosperity to Roon.  In the public eye they have managed to brand themselves as an elite unit that will keep the most dangerous criminals at bay, both on the planet itself and various pirate groups trying to profit off the Spice Trade.  They have successfully positioned themselves to be seen as trustworthy, which is why the Atrox's early bombing campaigns leading up to the invasion, paired with propaganda painting the Ultrix in a favourable light, have made large portions of the populace question the necessity of Vigil, as well as their motives in the years before.


Most escort fighters were destroyed upon Renek's attack on the Victunus, while much of the ground equipment has been subject to the Ultrix's bombing campaigns. While some equipment exists on the dark side of the planet, ever since Renek had to abandon his operations, they have been lost to him. Most assets under Renek's control are located near Nime, though his continuous war of attrition has worn down his troops and their equipment. Hovertanks, heavy weapons and munitions are constantly stolen and sabotaged by rogue elements within Vigil. However, they still have a few hundred thousand soldiers under their command, defending the interests of the True Ascensus.


Originally named Crimson Dagger, the Vigil was founded by Spice Lords in 32799 TYA to police and protect their trade routes between Tatooine, Ryloth, and Roon.  The Crimson Dagger exported gems and Roon spice while importing slaves and technology to work their mines.  They were comprised of veterans of the Great Galactic War and ex-Hutt Cartel enforcers who were down on their luck and struggling to make ends meet.  Roon's population saw them as well-paid thugs that held an iron grip over the planet and whom often overstepped their boundaries.   After barely being able to beat down a slave uprising in 32808 TYA of the planet, the Spice Lords could barely hold onto their assets. By 32810 TYA, most of them had been forced out by off-world investors, which staged a company-internal coup, as they had supplemented many of the more experienced troops with greener yet more professional forces. The company was renamed Vigil, and its military assets were increased considerably. Since then, peacekeeping of the planet at large has been subcontracted to other mercenary companies, with Vigil focusing on trade and the two cities which held spaceports - Nime and Nunurra.   When the Atrox Ascensus invaded the planet, Vigil quickly sided with the Dark Lord.  Upon Darth Vexe's departure from the planet, they have since kept their loyalty to Lord Renek.

"Your eye in the sky"

Founding Date
32799 TYA
Military, Mercenary Group
Parent Organization