These are the Elf Woods.
The High Elves have ordered both the Forest Elves and Forest Gnomes to slay anyone not of elvish or forest gnome blood that enters the woods during the period of human observation.
What happens in the woods stays in the woods.
Everyone killed within the feywood body is sent north to Ssifisv Haurach to be intured within the City of the Deathless, that the positive energy may infuse the bodies and hopefully they too will return.
All goods taken from those slain are sold for but coppers within the City of the Deathless.
1 river flows in from the north winding through the lands to irrigate the woods.
1 river flows in from the east past the gates of Almoth Tarn.
both flow into the lake of the woods.
from the lake flows two rivers, one south and one southwest.
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