Ioth Ilache Xiiva Wig
This Ioth Guards the southern tip of the Deserts. A small city of halflings have set up farms outside along a river they created with decanters of endless water. The Tobaxi salvage the sands.
22500 Dragonborn
3000 Halflings
2500 Tobaxi
Military run by Dragonborn Flight Master.
Tobaxi run by the Trade Council of the Wig's.
Halflings run by the Farmer's Union.
2500 Dragonborn stationed here under the Flight Master. 10000 Dragonborn under the West Flight Leader organized into Patrol units of 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 20, 4, 1 75% out at any one time. 10000 Dragonborn under the East Flight Leader organized into Patrol units of 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 20, 4, 1 75% out at any one time.
Industry & Trade
Tabaxi Roam and salvage the sands. They also Cook for the Dragonborn so that no Dragonborn need ever exist on conjured bread and water. The halflings have also set up a series of farms along a river to the coast they created using decanters of endless water about 300 years ago.
Guilds and Factions
Trade Council of the Wig's
Farmer's Union Branch #7
Located on the fresh water ocean plenty to drink. it is at the southern most point of the desert.
Natural Resources
river and ocean water to drink.
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