Ioth Pardinensis Gormy
The four Ioth's were here when the dragonborn arrived.
Located deep within is the portal that the Tobaxi entered the world from, departed the world, and returned just before the humans and tieflings did.
22500 Dragonborn
5000 Tobaxi
Military run by Dragonborn Flight Master.
Civilians run by MomaKitten Pujna Dart advised by her Trade Council of the Wig's
2500 Dragonborn stationed here under the Flight Master.
10000 Dragonborn under the East Flight Leader organized into Patrol units of 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 20, 4, 1 75% out at any one time.
10000 Dragonborn under the South Flight Leader organized into Patrol units of 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 20, 4, 1 75% out at any one time.
Industry & Trade
Tabaxi Roam and salvage the sands. They also Cook for the Dragonborn so that no Dragonborn need ever exist on conjured bread and water.
Guilds and Factions
The Tobaxi Trade Council.
Ancient was from the Time Before.
The portal below is from the Time before the time before.
Located on the northern most point of Attika this Ioth defends the NW half of the desert.
Natural Resources
Fresh water, sands.
Military, Base
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Characters in Location
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