
“In the embrace of the northern sea, where the waves whisper secrets to the wind, lies the island of Solitude.”

Perched atop an island that juts defiantly from the icy waters, Solitude is a haven of peace amidst the harsh arctic wasteland of Pelage. This naturally sheltered place stands as a testament to nature’s ability to carve out sanctuaries in the most unexpected of places.


Despite its island location, Solitude stands as a fortress against the fury of the elements. The island’s rugged cliffs rise like sentinels, shielding the settlement from the relentless storms that batter the northern coast. These natural barriers break the force of the gales, turning what could be a tempest into a mere whisper of wind.


The sea, though often tumultuous, cradles Solitude in a protective embrace, its currents guiding away the worst of the weather.


During times of low tide or when the ice thickens, a natural bridge forms, connecting Solitude to the mainland and the nearby castle of Craigton. This connection, however, is fleeting, a reminder of the island’s isolation and its unique rhythm with the tides. When the waters rise or the ice melts, Solitude returns to its seclusion, a world apart from the mainland’s turmoil.


Within the island’s interior, a stark contrast to the wild seas that surround it, lies a serene expanse where the air is filled with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant call of seabirds. The flora, hardy and resilient, thrives in this sheltered environment, creating pockets of green amidst the snow and ice.


Small streams, fed by melting ice, weave through the landscape, their gentle babble a soothing counterpoint to the ocean’s roar.


Solitude’s inhabitants live in harmony with their environment. Their homes, built to blend seamlessly with the natural contours of the land, are constructed from sturdy timber and stone. These dwellings are designed to withstand the elements, their roofs sloping to shed snow and their walls thick to keep out the cold.


Inside, warmth and Light prevail, hearths burning brightly against the long arctic nights.

“Here, we find peace,” says an elder, their voice carrying the weight of years spent in this tranquil refuge. “Here, we are safe.”

Solitude is more than just a place; it is a state of being. It is a sanctuary where the soul can find respite from the storms of life, a place where time moves slowly and the heart can heal. It is a reminder that even in the most desolate of landscapes, there is beauty and peace to be found.


In Solitude, the world outside may rage and roar, but within its sheltered embrace, there is only calm. It is a testament to the enduring power of nature to provide refuge, a beacon of tranquility in a world often fraught with chaos.

Localized Phenomena

There is a hot spring deep within the mountain that holds the island, which the locals use to heat their homes.

Location under

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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Aug 18, 2024 18:33 by Alan Byers

Some really nice writing here Deleyna, really hits home the serenity of this place!

Aug 18, 2024 23:56 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks for reading!

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