

The motivation behind building Aubadeon

The world of Aubadeon is the setting for my Dominion of Darkness trilogy. I've got a lot of worldbuilding in my head, but not much of it out in the universe where others can see it.

Aubadeon is about the battle between light and dark. It was inspired by an experience I had in college where my friends where faced with a choice: choose light and the impression of powerlessness, or choose darkness and power. The choices split the group.

Growing up, I was taught that good was powerless. The entire series is an exploration of this concept.

The goal of the project

I'm hoping to get a place where fans can come and explore the world.

Aubadeon's Unique Selling point

In this world, good and evil don't just exist, they are visible. The Light and Dark are sentient.



My hope is that this will be high fantasy. My concern is that the scope may not be large enough.

Reader Experience

The world should feel old and beautiful, with complex undercurrents running throughout the story.

Reader Tone

The tone is somewhere in the middle, struggling to find that balance between Light and Dark.

Recurring Themes

Reoccuring themes:

  • good vs evil
  • true love
  • freedom
  • consequences of choices

Character Agency

The main characters in the story struggle with the concept of agency. Can they change the world? Or are they trapped?


Religious influence and power relationships

Wealth distribution

Class relationships


Magic exists, but the magic users no longer fully know who they are and how things work. They've made choices that weaken them.

Many people in the world see all of the magic users as evil.

The Lord of Darkness (the Dragon) is determined to gain power over the continent of Aubadeon and he will destroy all in his way.

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