Zarryl Galarina

Zarryl Galarina

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zarryl is strong built and extremely toned, his body being shaped by years of warfare and training as a knight.

Body Features

Zarryl has many scars all over his body. As a woodland sylvarin descendent, his horns occasionally grow flowers if he does not trim them off. There is a prominent scar in the shape of a hand on the back of his left shoulder.

Identifying Characteristics

There is a hand shaped scar on the back of his left shoulder, marking him as a follower of Salerna.

Apparel & Accessories

Zarryl tries his hardest to always look his best, keeping fine suits and padding for his hooves.

Mental characteristics


Straight as all hell


Zarryl was educated as a noble in his upbringing as a knight, allowing him access to learn math and several languages. He was largely taught warfare and how to project his will in order to be a great leader, proving useful when he became a chosen of Salerna.


Zarryl began as a knight of the Griswold family, but after their fall, he found work in the Silverdawn guild of Pardinal.

Failures & Embarrassments

Zarryl considers his greatest failure the death of a young man that was under his command. Despite the many years that have passed, he refuses to let himself live it down. He is extremely protective as a result of it, and can come off as overbearing.

Mental Trauma

Zarryl is split between his desire to help others and his requirement to further the will of Salerna. He has depressive bouts when he feels he has let people down, having a hard time accepting that some people just do not want help.

Morality & Philosophy

Zarryl is not morally white, but has moments where he is better, especially if it concerns his family. He will gladly sacrifice himself for certain people, but most would be left for dead or tripped to let him get away if there is no chance of winning.


Zarryl despises people that cannot respect those rightfully of a higher status than themselves. He cannot stand if people abandon family without strong reason and will outright turn aggressive to those who have done so from his own family.

Personality Characteristics


Zarryl pushes forward to further the will of his god, Salerna, as well as to be powerful enough to protect those he considers family from any threat.

Vices & Personality flaws

Zarryl is extremely lustful and has trouble controlling it occasionally, but he is able to restrain himself around those he considers close. Zarryl grows hateful quickly and holds grudges for a long time, breaking them only if presented with solid information the disproves the reason he originally formed them.


Religious Views

Zarryl follows Salerna, Goddess of Pain and Suffering, but used to follow Falloes, God of the Hopeless, Weak, and Needy

Social Aptitude

Zarryl has trouble in social situations where he does not distinctly have an upper hand


Zarryl tries to keep a regal bearing at all times, but a few things will easily shatter it, causing him to revert to his origin and speak more rurally

Zarryl is a Half-Sylvarin knight of Sendria raised to fight for the Griswold family. He is a follower of Salerna, although unwillingly, and has an extremely strict sense of morals and of what is right and wrong.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Date of Birth
12th of Olemra
Near Royan, Sendria
Current Residence
Visden, Pardinal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Sendrian, Sylvarin, Brathunspar


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