Alter Instrument Spell in Audalis | World Anvil

Alter Instrument

transmutation cantrip   Casting Time: 1 action   Range: Touch   Components: V, S   Duration: 10 minutes   You may transform one musical instrument into another one of similar size (up to 50% larger or smaller) with which you are familiar; you don’t need to be proficient in its use, however. The instrument remains in this shape for as long as you are touching it. If you put it down for more than 1 minute, it reverts to its normal shape. It also reverts back if someone else attempts to play it.   The spell’s duration increases to 1 hour when you reach 5th level and 8 hours when you reach 11th level.   You can instead use this spell to perfectly tune an instrument you touch. This effect lasts until it naturally falls out of tune again.


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