Deepen Shadows Spell in Audalis | World Anvil

Deepen Shadows

illusion cantrip   Casting Time: 1 minute   Range: 30 feet   Components: S   Duration: 1 hour   Over the course of a minute, the shadows in a 10-foot cube grow larger, deeper, and more concealing, causing a brightly-lit area to become dimly lit, and a dimly-lit area to become dark. The change is so gradual that it requires a Wisdom (Insight) check, using your spell save DC, to notice it while it is occurring. Any light-based spell, even that created by another 0th-level spell, will instantly end this spell. A mundane light source’s illumination is reduced by 5 feet for both dim and bright light.   The size of the area that can be affected increases when you reach 5th level (20-foot cube), 11th level (40-foot cube), and 17th level (80-foot cube).


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