Disciple of the Shaper in Audalis | World Anvil

Disciple of the Shaper

Psions with particularly creative minds tend to gravitate towards the discipline of the shaper, a discipline which manifests powers of metacreativity. Metacreativity creates objects, creatures, or other forms of matter. Creatures created through metacreativity prove unstable; they will usually, but do not always, obey your commands.  

Disciple of the Shaper Manifestations

You can choose from the list of shaper manifestations, as well as psion manifestations, when you prepare manifestations.  

Energy Weapon

At 1st level, you can create weapons out of psionic energy.   Using your bonus action, or your reaction when you roll initiative, you create a weapon with a faint sky-blue aura, which takes the form of any simple or martial weapon. If you create a one-handed weapon, you can create one in each hand. If you create a ranged weapon, you can also create 20 non-magical pieces of the appropriate type of ammunition for the weapon. You are proficient with this weapon, and its properties are the same as its physical counterpart.   You can spend psionic power when you activate this feature to create one magical weapon with bonuses based on the amount spent:   5 points: +1 to its attack and damage rolls 7 points: +2 to its attack and damage rolls 15 points: +3 to its attack and damage rolls The maximum number of energy weapons that can exist at the same time is equal to one plus your Intelligence modifier (minimum one). Energy weapons and ammunition lose their form and disappear in 1 hour.  

Create Tools

Also at 1st level, you can create tools out of psionic energy.   Using your action, you can create any piece of non-magical adventuring gear worth 5 gp or less. Items created by this feature cannot be used as food. Otherwise, an item created by this feature has the same properties as its physical counterpart. After 10 minutes, the psionic energy comprising the item can no longer hold its form and disappears. Once you have created a particular item, you cannot create the same item again for 10 minutes.  

Psionic Drone

Starting at 6th level, you use a small amount of psionic energy to create a protective construct.   Over the course of a long rest, you can create a psionic drone. It has the statistics of a homunculus, except it doesn't have its Bite attack. You can only have one psionic drone at a time. It is inexorably devoted to you, obeying your every order even if it requires sacrifice.   You can use your action to temporarily sequester it away in a harmless pocket dimension where it awaits your summons. As an action while it is temporarily dismissed, you can cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.   While your psionic drone is within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction when you are hit with an attack to psionically redirect the blow to it. The psionic drone takes the attack and its effects instead of you.  

Surge of Wind

Starting at 10th level, your psionic powers create a windy surge around you, momentarily protecting and guiding you.   When you use a psionic manifestation of 1st level or higher, you gain two benefits until the end of the current turn: your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.  


Starting at 14th level, you can create a microbiome around yourself, mimicking life with psionic energy.   As an action, you project psionic energy out to a distance of 20 feet. The area bursts with psionically constructed moss, fungi, vines and other plant matter, and plant-like pods sprout from the ground. Some of this plant life converges into a shambling mound under the control of the DM.   At the start of each of your turns, make a DC 15 Intelligence check. On a success, the shambling mound is friendly to you and your allies until the start of your next turn. On a failure, it is hostile to all creatures instead.   This effect lasts while you are concentrating(as if on a spell) for up to 10 minutes, after which the microbiome wilts and crumbles, vanishing as the psionic energy is expended.   Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.  

Obedient Manifestation

At 18th level, you tame some of the unpredictable nature of psionically-created creatures.   The DC for your Microbiome becomes 10. Additionally, you can use your bonus action to command a creature created by a psionic manifestation or feature of yours to take a specific action, which it uses its reaction to carry out. A creature cannot use its multiattack, if it has one, via this command.  

Flourishing Creation

At 20th level, you have become exceptionally efficient at using your psionic energy to create matter.   When you create a creature or an object with either a psionic manifestation or one of your features, you can choose one of the creatures or objects to create a duplicate of it.


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