Eternal Blade in Audalis | World Anvil

Eternal Blade

Eternal Blade

The Order of the Eternal Blade is a secretive group, but you sought out its masters and gained entry. Whatever drove you to the order, you knew you made the right choice when the masters first instructed you. On that day, you first learned to communicate with your blade guide, the psychic resonance of generations of eternal blades that came before you.
  The order's first members foresaw the emergence of psionics. When those members died, they cast their minds forward in time in search of worthy heirs to their cause. You are one such heir. Your blade guide lingers near you, teaching you the fighting arts of the eternal blades. Even if you fall in battle, your experience shall not be lost, for you too shall cast your mind forward in search of a new champion to guide.

Blade Guide's Sight

Beginning at 3rd level, you gain the ability to see invisible creature out to a range of 10 feet as though affected by the see invisibility spell

Guided Action

Beginning at 7th level, if you miss with an attack using a melee weapon, you may immediately reroll that attack with advantage. You can use this ability again after you finish a short or long rest.

Eternal Vigilance

Beginning at 15th level, you may use your reaction to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier when you are hit by an attack, potentially causing the attack to miss. You can use this ability even if you are unconscious. You can use this ability a number of times equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier.

Blade Guide's Counsel

At 20th level, the blade guides that have been teaching you allow you to borrow from their immense wisdom. You gain advantage on Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom saving throws. You only take half damage from a failure using any of these saving throws, and none on a success. You also become immune to the charmed and frightened conditions.


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