Horned Champion in Audalis | World Anvil

Horned Champion

You have communed with the spirits of the land and have been found worthy of the horned champion’s mantle. You transcend the flesh you were born with to become the chosen vessel of nature’s spirits. Your duty is to take up arms against the fell creatures of the land, to put an end to their destruction, and to restore the splendor of the untamed wilds.   Becoming a horned champion is a transformative experience. Gone are the simple concerns that bound you to the world. You see the world on a grander scale, as an organism that must be protected against the abominations that would siphon its strength for dark purposes. You appear to have no ties to people or places, only to your weighty mission, leading many to feel as though you lack understanding of the individual’s plight. Although it’s true that you care little for the individual’s suffering, giving no more attention to a mortal’s difficulties than one would show to an insect, your concern encompasses the natural world and all things living in it. Thus, in a way, your ties to others are deeper than friendship, for they are forged from the bonds that connect all living things.  

Fervent Pursuit

Beginning when you join this Conclave at 3rd level, any creature you hit with an opportunity attack has their speed halved until the end of their next turn.  

Blessings of Spring

Starting at 6th level, whenever you use an Primal Incarnation on your turn, you regain hit points equal to half your level in this class.  

Impetuous Stride

Beginning at 10th level, whenever a creature hits you or a creature of your choice that started its turn within 10 feet of you with an opportunity attack, that creature takes piercing damage equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier.  

Primal Incarnation: Incarnation of the Leaping Stag

Starting at 14th level, you gain the Incarnation of the Leaping Stag as an option for your Primal Incarnation.   Great horns sprout from your head as primal power quickens your step. Your charging assault can leave an enemy senseless.   While in this incarnation, your base walking speed increases by 20 feet and you can move through enemy's spaces. Any creature you move through is marked by you until the end of your next turn.   Additionally, you can channel the power of the strongest horned beasts, charging your foes once while in this incarnation. You move up to your speed. Each creature whose space you move through must make a Strength saving throw, taking 3d10 piercing damage and being stunned on a failed save, or half damage and being unable to take reactions until the end of their next turn on a successful save. All damage from this feature counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunities. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you use your Primal Incarnation again.


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