Metapsionics in Audalis | World Anvil


Metapsionics is the study of understanding and emulating the unusual abilities of psionics through magic. Wizards who master this arcane tradition gain a glimpse into the world of psychic creatures - often a humbling and enlightening experience which teaches them something fundamentally important about the makeup of magic and psionics alike.  

Psionics Study

At 2nd level, you can choose from the psion manifestation list, in addition to the wizard spell list, when you learn a new wizard spell. Manifestations you learn in this way count as wizard spells for you instead of psionic manifestations, and they don't require components to cast. These manifestations still have their normal display and can be affected by counterspell or dispel magic as if they were normal spells. In addition, these manifestations can be affected by metamagic but cannot be affected by metapsionic feats.   Additionally, when a psionic manifestation is invoked within 60 feet of you, you can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against DC 10 + the manifestation's level. On a success, you know the name of the manifestation that was invoked, and you know its mental discipline.  

Extension of Mind

Also at 2nd level, your technique of marrying spellcasting and psionics creates a temporary area of psionic influence around you while you concentrate.   While you concentrate on a wizard spell, an aura of influence extends outward from you to a distance of 30 feet, ignoring cover, which moves with you. You can communicate telepathically with any creature inside the aura. A creature understands your telepathic speech if it speaks at least one language, and it can deliver telepathic replies in a way you understand. Creatures within this aura also have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against your wizard spells.  

Focus Reinforcement

At 6th level, your mental focus has increased, allowing you to remain concentrated through greater pain. When you fail a concentration check, you can choose to succeed instead.   Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.  

Sharpened Mind

At 10th level, your study of psionics subtly alters your mind such that you can easily perceive slight fluctuations in the minds of others. You can add your Intelligence modifier to Wisdom (Insight) checks you make against creatures that can't use psionics. Also, whenever you successfully discern that a creature is lying to you, that creature takes psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.  

Conduit Manipulation

At 14th level, you can briefly focus on using psionics to reshape effects as they occur around you.   Whenever a spell is cast or a manifestation is invoked by another creature within 120 feet of you, if the spell or manifestation affects an area, you can use your reaction to increase or decrease the area's size. An area can't be reduced below 5 feet with this feature. You can modify an area in one of the following ways:  
  • If the area is a cone, you can modify it by up to 20 feet.
  • If the area is a radius, you can modify it by up to 10 feet.
  • If the area is a cube or a cylinder, you can modify one of the dimensions, other than the radius, by up to 30 feet.
  • If the area is a line, you can modify its length by up to 60 feet.


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