The Everlasting Legend in Audalis | World Anvil

The Everlasting Legend

Your patron is a powerful being, whether long dead or still around, that has conquered all odds and established themselves as the epitome of power - archmages, martial paragons, and psion uncarnates. These mystical warriors of might and mind shaped the world with their strength, and are often willing to lend some of that power to those who wish to do the same.  

Everlasting Legend Patrons

Arandil Eldros, Hero of the Serpent War
Patron Alignment: Lawful Good   Patron Description: Arandil Eldros is a sylvari man, originally a simple farmer who sought the growth of Kith-Jora, the light of Solanis, and the honeyed tears of Lysora, but instead was met with the call of Tyrannis, the queen of the evil hive. Amazingly, the man resisted armed only with his faith and sanity, barely holding on at the edge. As the spirits sank back, Arandil was found holding a gleaming spear tipped in sunlight, gleaming with burning tears and hefted upon strong ashenwood. A gift of the gods for their chosen warrior in this time of need. Fighting alongside man and khord alike, Arandil waged a war against Tyrannis and the fear she spread. His armies and faith drove the dark queen back from Antaron, ending the Serpent War.   Patron Goals: Arandil is a protector of life and light, seeking to keep the forces of darkness and evil from conquering the hearts of mortals. He will not make pacts with those who hold evil in their hearts or who he believes are easily susceptible to it, such as tieflings or other foulbloods. So long as his power is used valiantly and for the good of the holy divine, he is not known to rescind his power.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Piercing, Poison, Radiant
Artoril Landilindar
Patron Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Patron Description: Artoril is an ancient sylvari bladesinger and a true master of the longsword. He is best known for his mystical blade, Starfire, also known as Elen’nuar to the sylvari, but his skills in both combat and magic left almost nothing to be desired, even coming close to rivaling the likes of Therassor and Bakloran in skill. The tall man had long flowing black hair and silver eyes that seemed to pierce into the soul of his opponent as he fought.   Patron Goals: Artoril seeks only combat perfection, and creates pacts with those who seek the same. He sees not the use in mastering only blade or spell, and will only grant patronage to those who seek both.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Fire, Slashing
Baratza, the Cacophony
Patron Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Patron Description: Barataz was a singer and dancer for most of her life, using her charm and voice to get anything she wanted. Reaching adulthood, she had begun to find ways to shape the tides with her songs and instruments, using them to force others to her will. Developing her own spell later in life, she used it to tear apart the minds of others and bend them to do as she wishes.   Patron Goals: Baratza is a bard who specialized in enchantment and illusion magic. She grants pacts to those who would develop similar evil styles of magic to twist and bend the minds of others to match their own will. She delights in such tortures, and uses the power she holds and grants to further her own will. One who disobeys her commands will find that they don’t lose their powers though. That is, until they need them most. She will not grant power to those who are good of heart or those who believe they must follow a code, instead turning to those without morals and with a heart and mind only for themselves. As such, all of her warlocks are chaotic neutral or chaotic evil.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Necrotic, Psychic
Coiawen, Daughter of Healing
Patron Alignment: Lawful Good   Patron Description: Coiawen, previously Nissa, is a hideously deformed sylvari woman who had helped to cleanse a horrid evil plague from her lands. She took on all the features of the plague into herself, disfiguring herself to save her people, friends, and family. Being raised to the status of a demigod after her death, Coiawen watches over those who selflessly aid others.   Patron Goals: Coiawen wishes for calmness and peace among the mortal races and a world where disease has no grip on anyone. She often makes pacts with those who seek to fight against the forces of Garghas or those who wish to heal.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Radiant
Gawk’Gawk, Swamp Mystic
Patron Alignment: Neutral   Patron Description: Gawk’Gawk is a slaa’kar from the swamps of Kadesh covered in pale green scales and with a large frill. He was weak of body and left behind by his tribe early on, but managed to persevere through will and might of mind rather than body. Over time, he grew stronger, shaping his body through psychometabolic powers, and ended up leading a tribe of slaa’kar against the Yanathera, slaughtering them and protecting his homelands. He was given worship by the slaa’kar, and eventually gained enough power to immortalize himself as a patron who is still called upon by the slaa’kar quite often.   Patron Goals: Gawk’Gawk seeks survival above all other things through any means necessary. He grants his power to those who seek to do the same, but they must prove themselves worthy of it by surviving first without others’ power as he had. He does not care for morality or society, granting his power to any who have need of it once they are proven.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Necrotic, Poison, Psychic
Gralen Goldcloak
Patron Alignment: Neutral Good   Patron Description: Gralen Goldcloak is an ancient brathnii technit who specialized in creating items of war, such as tubes that could create and spit flames, or his masterpiece, the Exquisite Goldcloak—a cloak covered in gilded feathers that protected the wearer from most sorts of harm. It was rare Gralen was in actual combat himself, but his name was known far and wide as a master inventor. Outside of his inventions, he also studied magic, being known as a powerful illusionist, though his spells never overcame his inventive prowess.   Patron Goals: Gralen seeks to make pacts with those who would create, rather than destroy. He frowns upon those who would carelessly destroy treasure, armor, or weapons, and despises any who would melt down already created goods, even if it were in order to make something new out of it. He primarily makes pacts with other technits, guiding them on their path to greatness.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning
Hasala, the Evershot
Patron Alignment: Neutral   Patron Description: Hasala is a Pardinese woman who had disguised herself as male for much of her life in order to take up a passion with the bow. She became an expert marksman and hunter, and served in war for a short time, retiring from it after only a few years. Hasala gained the title of Evershot after she landed a masterful shot with her powerful greatbow, landing one of the massive arrows between the eyes of an enemy commander from over a thousand feet away and with enough power to pierce through the back of his skull and into the back of the chair he had sat upon.   Patron Goals: Hasala seeks to find one able to outdo her own great deeds, and enjoys seeing others prosper. Hasala will not grant a pact to a non-human, believing them to be already at a greater advantage than humans and thus making the competition unfair. Warlocks of Hasala often have festivals where they will take aim at far off targets, typically medium sized gourds positioned on scarecrows to mimic the commander Hasala was famed for killing.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Piercing, Poison
Konast, Titanic Skybreaker
Patron Alignment: Neutral Evil   Patron Description: Konast was a massive eldritch giant, famed for his arcane abilities. He was said to have been a master of powerful destructive magics, primarily those relating to storms or otherworldly power such as curses. Like most eldritch giants, Konast has skin tinged with a faint purple and he had light red hair which he kept long. He was skilled with large weapons alongside his magic, primarily using a massive axe known as Rift Tearer, fabled to be able to cut the sky itself itself and unleash otherworldly weather, tearing apart his foes.   Patron Goals: Konast seeks to revive himself and claim supremacy over giant-kind. He makes deals with others who would spread his name and defeat—but not kill—other giants on his behalf, showing them his power. He allows his power to be used against all under giants as well, which to him is just about anyone, but like most giants, he holds a specific hatred toward dragons and expects his patrons to kill any dragons, dragonborn, kobolds, novaldra, or other dragonkin they meet using the power he grants them.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Force, Slashing
Lord Alon Ramac
Patron Alignment: Lawful Evil   Patron Description: Lord Ramac was once a great knight of Ertain serving under King Pelindion. Through a series of unfortunate events, the once great and righteous knight was twisted, becoming the death knight of Dranith Keep, guarding it with his numerous bodyguards and endless waves of skeletal warriors.   Patron Goals: Lord Ramac seeks to escape his imprisonment in the keep, and grants power to those seeking to grow their power in return for using that power to free him in the end. He makes demands of them throughout his patronage, not shying away from rescinding his power at any moment even if it is lethal to his warlock to do so.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Fire, Necrotic
Savarod, Resplendent Aegis
Patron Alignment: Lawful Good   Patron Description: Savarod was a powerful paladin of Rydor in life, a guardian of the law and the people. Born in Drannon, he saw how the law helped shape society to be capable of providing for all, but also saw how the law could be used to hurt people. Traveling from his home, he sought to bring about the strength of law in a protective manner, aiding all good people he came across and destroying those that were opposed to law and society, or would bring harm to the people it protected.   Patron Goals: Savarod is a guardian of the weak and the structured. His warlocks are all of a lawful alignment and he will not make a pact with any who hide an evil heart. His warlocks are expected to uphold the law of the land and have a strong moral compass, taking out a criminal at least once per month in his name and failing to do so many times may see them stripped of their power.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Radiant
Tarosti, the Ashen Wind
Patron Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Patron Description: Tarosti was a sorceress who specialized in fire, and especially volcanic, magic. She used this pyromancy to boil, burn, and even melt the foes that stood before her. She wished to prove herself the most powerful person alive, but met her end at the end of Savarod’s blade—Oathkeeper—when she went too far and ended up threatening a land under his protection with her wild magma and flames.   Patron Goals: Tarosti is a force against law, despising it since her last moments. She believes the world should be baptized in fire and reborn from it like a phoenix in its final moments. She grants warlocks power so long as they oppose law, and especially the forces of Rydor.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Fire
Galenfinion the Surging Tempest
Patron Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Patron Description: Galenfinion is an exquisite sharpshooter, a sylvarin man of pure heritage with striking golden eyes and long blond hair. He was known in life for being able to shoot tiny targets with pinpoint accuracy and never miss a shot. In addition to this, he was the wielder of Kelum-Cu, a powerful bow infused with mystical water from deep in the sylvarin forests known in the human tongues as the Bow of Rising Tides. This magical weapon aided him in vanquishing hordes in the sylvari wars against the humans, as well as those fought against the orcs and the mountain-dwelling giant-kin.   Patron Goals: Galenfinion pushes his warlocks to strive for perfection, believing anything less is spoiling their talents. He will not accept those he does not forsee becoming great in the future, nor those who are unable to follow codes well. All warlocks under Galenfinion swear by his own codes, following them in all circumstances.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types:
Thoradrin Grazghad
Patron Alignment: Lawful Good   Patron Description: Thoradrin was a powerful Khordaldrum warrior who was known for his actions of leaving the mines and voluntarily marching to battle against the orc hordes that plagued the lands. The khord was a burly man and valiantly slew orcs easily twice his size. He primarily used a warhammer in battle, but was also known to have a large battleaxe when he needed it.   Patron Goals: Thoradrin makes pacts with any who would help to protect the Khord people and to slay any orcs, goblinoids, or their descendants they find. He is a kindly patron, seeking to protect his warlocks when he can, but he does not take betrayal kindly and will quickly take the power he granted away should his warlocks not hold up their deal.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Bludgeoning, Slashing
Ubin, the Divine Anger
Patron Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Patron Description: Ubin was a barbarian and zealot of Therassor, channeling his rage into meaningful and righteous warfare. He struck down great foes with the aid of his might greataxe and carved a name for himself under his deity.   Patron Goals: Ubin frowns upon those who would take shortcuts to power, only granting pacts to those who have proven themselves able and capable of carving their own path without his boons already. Any he believes to cheat to gain more power he is quick to withdraw from, leaving them to their own devices and stripping them of all might he granted them. His goals in life largely revolved around slaying great creatures, particularly giants, and he expects his warlocks to continue this while they live.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Radiant, Slashing
Vrengoth Herevlin
Patron Alignment: Lawful Evil   Patron Description: Vrengoth Herevlin is a powerful warlord of Sendria, seeking total control of the lands of Sendria and Coria. Unlike most patrons, his pacts are not granted directly through him, and are instead channeled through him by more powerful outer beings to make him seem more powerful so long as he holds up his side of the bargain. Being one of the still-living patrons, he is easier to make contact with than many others, but he only makes deals with specific people and is known to kill others who would petition him for his power.   Patron Goals: Vrengoth seeks nothing less than total domination of an area. His warlocks are often high ranking officers in his military, and the projections they conjure are used to strike fear and dread into the hearts of their foes.   Patron’s Wrath Damage Types: Bludgeoning, Necrotic, Slashing

Patron Spells

  You gain patron spells at the warlock levels listed.
Warlock Level Spells
1st shield, wrathful smite
3rd blur, branding smite
5th blink, elemental weapon
7th phantasmal killer, staggering smite
9th banishing smite, steel wind strike

Warrior's Challenge

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to issue a powerful undeniable challenge, forcing your target into it. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is challenged for 1 minute. The challenge ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the challenge ends, you gain the following benefits:  
  • You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the challenged target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.
  • Any attack roll you make against the challenged target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
  • If the challenged target dies, you regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).
  You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.  

Eternal Warrior

At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.   The influence of your patron also allows you to mystically channel your will through a particular weapon. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed property. When you attack with that weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls. This benefit lasts until you finish a long rest. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Arc feature, this benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no matter the weapon's type.  

Memory of the Past

Starting at 6th level, you can lay down your foe as an offering to your patron, calling them to your aid. When you slay a humanoid, you can cause a projection of your patron to rise from its corpse as a specter. When the specter appears, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level. Roll initiative for the specter, which has its own turns. It obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a special bonus to its attack rolls equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +0). The specter uses the statistics of the creature offered to it.   The specter remains in your service until the end of your next long rest, at which point it vanishes to the afterlife.   Once you bind a specter with this feature, you can't use the feature again until you finish a long rest.  

Armor of Myth

At 10th level, your ancient power grows more powerful. If the target challenged by your Warrior's Challenge hits you with an attack roll, roll a d6. On a 4 or higher, the attack instead misses you, regardless of its roll.  

Hero of Legend

Starting at 14th level, you can spread your Warrior's Challenge from a slain creature to another creature. When the creature challenged by your Warrior's Challenge dies, you can apply the challenge to a different creature you can see within 30 feet of you, provided you aren't incapacitated. When you apply the challenge in this way, you don't regain hit points from the death of the previously challenged creature.


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