Way of the Lurker in Audalis | World Anvil

Way of the Lurker

Way of the Lurker

Monks of the way of the lurker, also known as lurks, combine their spiritual abilities with their innate psionic talents. Due to the exceptional level of control lurks enact over themselves, these monks most often display an unearthly serenity. Their talents lend well to becoming assassins or envoys, as they are exceptionally suited to thwarting both magic and psionics alike. However, lurks usually have a strong moral code; as such, while their abilities are exceptionally desirable, their services may be hard sought as they will generally only fight for a cause they believe is right.  

Lurk Augment

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you combine psionics and ki to draw energy from others, sapping their abilities and wracking their bodies with pain.   You gain one augmentation from the list of Lurk Augmentations below, which are methods of producing psionics-laden ki abilities. You gain one more as you gain levels in this class: 6th level, 11th level, and 17th level. Some augmentations require you to reach a certain level before you can learn them. If an augmentation lists a level as a prerequisite, it refers to your level in this class. Whenever you gain a new augmentation, you can also replace one augmentation you know with another one. You must meet the prerequisites, if any, for your new choice.  

Supernatural Sense

Also at 3rd level, your senses are keen to the use of magic and psionics, allowing you to detect their use at a moment's notice. You know whenever a power is manifested or a spell is cast within 120 feet of you. This feature doesn't reveal any other information about the manifestation or spell.  

Precognitive Focus

At 6th level, whenever you roll initiative, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the result. Additionally, the first attack roll made against you during each combat is rolled with disadvantage.  

Flow Interruption

At 11th level, your strikes cut off the flow of both magic and psionics in your target. Once per turn when you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 2 ki points to choose one manifestation or spell affecting the target. Make a Wisdom check (DC 10 + the manifestation or spell's level on a successful check, the manifestation or spell ends.  

Stygian Shock

At 17th level, your strikes temporarily banish your foes, shredding their essence as your ki rips them apart from within.   You can use your bonus action and expend 3 ki points to choose one of the creatures you hit with a melee weapon attack this turn. That creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take 4d10 force damage and be banished to the border ethereal for 1 minute. While banished in this way, a creature takes 2d10 force damage at the start of each of its turns.   An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, returning to the location that it departed from on a successful save.  

Lurk Augmentations

The augmentations are listed in alphabetical order   Deceptive Strike (11th Level). When you make a melee weapon attack with advantage, you can reroll each of the damage dice for the attack once and use the new roll. Additionally, you can spend 1 ki point when you attack a creature to treat the target's AC as though it were 10 + its Dexterity modifier for that attack. You must do so before making the attack roll.   Ghostly Touch (6th Level). Your unarmed strikes ignore half and three-quarters cover. Additionally, you can spend 1 ki point when you make an unarmed strike to increase your reach by 5 feet and ignore full cover for that attack.   Mental Assault (11th Level). When a creature fails its saving throw for your stunning strike, it takes psychic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, you can spend 1 ki point when you hit a creature with a weapon attack to waste one of the target's spell slots of the lowest level available (if it has spell slots) and waste 3 points of its psionic power (if it is psionic).   Psionic Thrust. You can choose to deal piercing damage with your unarmed strikes, instead of bludgeoning damage. Additionally, when you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can spend a number ki points no greater than half your monk level (rounded up) to cause the attack to deal 1d10 extra psychic damage for every ki point spent. Solid Strike (6th Level). Your unarmed strikes ignore resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Additionally, you can spend 1 ki point when you use your Flurry of Blows to gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls with your unarmed strikes until the end of your turn.   Synaptic Disconnect (17th Level). When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack against a creature, that creature's speed is halved and it can't take reactions until the start of your next turn. Additionally, you can spend 1 ki point; if you do, the target can take its action or bonus action, not both, until the start of your next turn.   Unfocusing Strike. When you take the Attack action - attacking only one creature with the entire action - and you hit at least once, that creature can't begin concentrating on manifestations or spells until the end of your next turn. Additionally, you can spend 1 ki point when you force a creature to make concentration check; if you do, the creature makes its check with disadvantage.


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