Denglo Geographic Location in Audiode | World Anvil


Week 4

As you travel along the high arc of Audiode you notice a golden glow from a nearby star system...


The golden yellow star of Gowowo glows so brightly that its light and warmth stretch far beyond its gravitational orbit, without negatively impacting those planets closer to it.

Angel Door

The Angel Door is a stargate which allows for travel between distant parts of Audiode. It is so called for the two perpetual mists which sit on either side of the opening and look like wings.

The Shadows

The Shadows is an area of the star system behind the large dead planet of Enyear and never sees sunlight. It is popular with those with something to hide and those who want to stay hidden, whether legitimate or not.

Elskan Moon

The moon of Elskan is newly inhabited by a colony of people who escaped from the planet of Enyear (pronounced (h)en-year) before it died. The population is growing quickly and showing a lot of potential.


Whapah (pronounced waa-paa) is a warm and friendly planet, with extremely short days. It doesn't orbit Gowowow but instead stays in one place and spins on its own axis.

Potential Hooks

  • Shadow Child

  • Rumours are coming out of The Shadows about a child with unique abilities. It is said that they can chase away the darkness. Some are excited about this, others are not, and quite a few are looking for them.  
  • Tap Tap

  • Over the last few days, messages in the form of a strange series of clicks and taps have been coming through the Angel Door. Someone needs to investigate.  


Favourite Lyrics

"Nights are warm and the days are young"
"I'll stick with you baby, for a thousand years
Nothing's going to touch you in these golden years"
"Don't let me hear you say life's taking you nowhere"
Inspired by:
Star System




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