Lyedar Geographic Location in Audiode | World Anvil


Week 1

In a dark and distant corner of the galaxy, where the blues and blacks merge into a deep shade that seems almost impossible, sits the unassuming star system of Lyedar (pronounced lie-eh-dar).


The star at the centre of this system is Lyde (pronounced lie-deh). This star emits a cool blue/grey glow with billions of shards of stone surrounding it, giving the impression of an eerie cloud.


Known as the "crystal ball", Ueni (pronounced you-en-ee) is the closest planet to Lyde. It was blasted by an enormous solar flare which encompassed the entire planet, turning the sand which covered it into glass. It gives the planet an icey, translucent appearance.   It is said that if you stare at it for long enough you will see images of your life's greatest regret, be it past or future.


Well (pronounced as it's spelled) is the second closest to the star, and has an extremely strong gravitational pull. There are 113 moons, most of which are green and brown, which snake behind each other in orbit around it.   As a result, the surface is incredibly difficult to access, which might be why the remains of the great civilisation which was lost there remain remarkably untouched.


Cus (pronounced cuh-ss) is a 'ghost planet', the shards which remain from the planet which once was.   No one knows what holds the fractured remains in place, but they hang in orbit around Lyde as a constant reminder of what was lost.


Sostray (pronounced sow-stray) is actually two planets. They collided a thousand millennia ago and have remained stuck together ever since.   They are chained to each other by the other's gravity and continue to orbit Lyde.

Potential Hooks

  • Grave Treasures

  • Once the home of a great civilisation, it is said that Well is now the resting place of their rich and powerful citizens and, of course, the treasures they left behind. Few scavengers and graverobbers have ever set foot on the planet's surface and even fewer have returned, but those who have lived tell tales of treasures beyond their wildest dreams...  
  • Unexplained Changes

  • An unusual fog has been emanating from Lyde and is infiltrating the space beyond the star's orbit. Those who have encountered it record strange side effects, particularly impacting the language centre of the brain. Nobody knows why, but there are many who would pay a lot to understand what is causing it and whether the effects can be reversed.  


Favourite Lyrics

"Takes two to make a house a home
Well, I'm as lonesome as the catacombs"
"I'm mumbling and you shake"
"Back then baby, it didn't seem so strange"
Inspired by:
Star System




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