OB-S Geographic Location in Audiode | World Anvil


Week 2

The rumbling reaches your extremities before your ears, a rhythmic hum, as though the entire star system were trembling with excitement, or something else...


The system centres around the star, Sonova (pronounced son-of-ah), a large and somewhat boisterous star which lets out a low hum that seems to impact the planets in its orbit.


Odda (pronounced oh-dah) is a combination of two words from a long lost language, the first being the word 'to need to an extreme extent' and the second being the word 'to hydrate'. This is unsurprising as Odda is a desert planet. There is water found on the planet, but it is in short supply and contains an element which is toxic to oxygen-breathing lifeforms.


Naneed (pronounced nah-nee-d) is known to its inhabitants as "the tied down planet", so called because of the nine rings of rocks, metals and other minerals which rotate in its orbit and look like multicoloured ropes wrapped around it.   It is the closest habitable planet to Sonova and as a result has unpredictable weather and seasons.


From a distance, Isshak (pronounced is-shah-k) is said to look as though it is covered in moving bugs. This illusion is caused by the hundreds of floating islands which move across the ocean in a disjointed way. The inhabitants of Isshak use this constant motion to share information and culture between communities.


There are no inhabitants on Wrytha (pronounced ry-va) due to the almost constant shakes and quakes which are caused by the tremors of the tectonic plates. It's said that the planet is particularly sensative to the hum of the star and that is what causes the shakes, but it's never been proven.

Potential Hooks

  • The Lost Royal

  • 17 years ago a foreign royal sought sanctuary somewhere in this star system. They haven't been heard from since, but there are members of their society who are keen to see them on the throne.  
  • Fire Starters

  • Fires have started breaking out on Wrytha and have uncovered a mysterious building from a long lost civilisation. It doesn't look safe due to the unstable nature of the planet and the suddenly errupting fires, but who knows what might be down there...  


Favourite Lyrics

"I'm gonna need someone to hold me down"
"I'm going to cover myself with the ashes of you
and nobody's gonna give a damn"
"For 17 years, I've been throwing them back"
"I can't get clean"
Inspired by:
Star System




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