Tospnact Geographic Location in Audiode | World Anvil


Week 5

Deep in the Western Upper Quadrant, amid the showers of rock formations which float beyond the purview of any systems, sits the wave star...


Tospn (pronounced toss-p(i)n) is known as the wave star because of the ripple patterns which burn bright from and across the expanse of it.


Shindi (pronounced shin-dee) has two large smoke rings around it. The people who live here are often at war, and it is said that the smoke rings are the remnants of their weapons of war.


Allfa (pronounced Al-fah) is the ultimate optical illusion, appearing to be two planets next to each other, when in fact it is only one. Few are able to identify which is the real and many die attempting to land on the other.


This space storm is known for its high voltage electrical boltbursts which can shock a vessel which comes within a few hundred miles of it.

The Pave

The Pave was originally an exploratory vessel, launched by a planet which had not yet achieved space flight. It is now a form of intergalactic message board.

Potential Hooks

  • Dosing the Future

  • A new addictive drug is being created on Allfa. It is said to help a person predict the future, and as a result, many are trying to get their hands on it. Others say it is merely an imitation and a marketing ploy.  
  • Trust the Dust

  • Some say the dust around Shindi has the answers for the birth of the universe, and are willing to pay for samples of it.  


Favourite Lyrics

"Choose not the life of imitation"
"Go write the message on the pavement
burn so bright, I wonder what the wave meant"
"White heat is screaming in the jungle"
"Go ask the dust for any answers"
"The world I love, the tears I drop
To be part of the wave, can't stop"
"She's leading me to ozone
Music the great communicator
Use two sticks to make it in the nature"
"Can't stop the spirits when they need you
This life is more than just a read-through"
Inspired by:
Star System




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