Aelyndar (AE-lin-dar)

Tucked between the Imistil Forest and the Harrowcrowns, Aelyndar is a logging community that saw its fair share of hostilities during the last war. The southwestern region changed hands between Thrane, Aundair, and Breland several times over the course of the war. As a result, the people are resilient, but insular. They are a blend of all three cultures and names, religions, sayings, and local folklore are representative of all three nations.


Governed by the Theocracy of Thrane. The head priest is Mother Baltia Ghastor.

Industry & Trade

Logging, cattle, wheat.


50 years ago, twin hags named Abena and Rowena CrookedRook established their domain in the Harrowcrowns. They made their presence known by corrupting the local flora and fauna, spoiling hunts, and kidnapping woodsmen. The villages reached out to the Church for aid, but all Church resources were dedicated to the war. So, Master Raedan ir'Savaci I from Nathyrr lead a group of heroes from each village surrounding the Harrowcrowns (Lessyk, Nathyrr, Valiron, and Aelyndar) in the pursuit and destruction of the hag twins. Aelyndar's hero was the woodsman, Clay Marktaros, who died in the confrontation with the sister hags. His sacrifice allowed the rest of the party to capture Abena and Rowena alive and bring them to justice. The Harrowcrowns became safe once again and the people responsible became local heroes.



Owning Organization